work weekend

this past weekend has been pretty fun. I was coming down to south Texas (where I grew up) for work, and I was excited about seeing my sister, but not so much about working. As it turns out, working down here was pretty awesome. I accomplished a lot, in regards to training the staff of the store I was at and I made friends of a few of the folks down here (I say ‘here’ because I’m still in McAllen, currently hanging out at the airport). I also got to see a good friend of mine- someone I’ve known for over 20 years and haven’t seen in about 5. It’s funny, it was like we haven’t been apart at all. 

His name is Peter, but he goes by PJ now. He did massage and energy healing training right around (shortly after, actually) I did. He practices yoga, so I brought him some training texts from India. He’s also a makeup artist, so we traded tips and techniques also. Oh- we also traded products; I gave him skincare and he gave me some amazing eye colors. It was just really good to see him…

Money-wise, I killed it dead in store! I lost track of how much I sold, but I’m sure it was great. I’m scheduled to fly to Dallas on Thursday to hang out with my boss and colleagues and he gave me a warning last night that I was going to be recognized for being such an awesome hot mess of gayocity. In heterenglish, that means that I’m just good at what I do, approachable, and charming. And also, the Nieman Marcus buying office specifically requested me for some spring events at various stores throughout the region (austin, houston, dallas) in the spring… my boss told me "I hope you don’t mind, but I said it would be fine with enough notice", and I replied with "sure. let’s have my review before we finalize any of this though… "

It feels like I have the upper hand here!

I have teacher training next weekend, I can’t wait for it! I’m doing a presentation on the 2nd chakra.

okay, i should shut down my laptop to save some battery… I’ll probably log on again from Houston, since I can’t fly from McAllen directly to Austin. yawn, flying takes almost as long as driving, and i’m only in the air for about an hour and 10 minutes. OH YEAH!

I flew on some tiny old airplane from Houston to Mc Allen… it was so old that it still smelled like cigarette smoke! and when we landed, we shifted to one side, and an alarm sound… WOOP! WOOP! WOOP! WOOP! and I thought "oh crap, we just broke some landing gear and i’m going to die in a tin can in mc fucking allen Tx". but no, I lived.


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January 20, 2008

I’m so proud of you! When are they flying you to NYC? 🙂

January 20, 2008

yay for you, you’re totally rockin the sales it sounds like. kudos to you, ya hot thing! lol @};———–

January 21, 2008

I hope you don’t mind, but I added you to my favorites. I read this entry.. I like your writings..

January 21, 2008

There’s nothing like having the upper hand at work.

Actually, she’s 10. There were 9 of them running around. 🙂

Great job with the sales!