First full week in the house

My Family!

This weekend has been a busy one, and I’m quite exhausted. I haven’t gotten anything accomplished really in the new house, but its getting there. Thank heavens the weather is cooling off, because my room feels like a sauna on the best of days. I finally had a visitor at my new house. We didn’t stay there long, cuz truly it is a sauna….but Christy came over on sunday. Her dad brought me my new computer desk. Its not quite what I expected. I truly feel like it was a microwave cart in a former life. lol But it works!!! I got my computer set up, but i need to get my lil bro over here to get my wireless set up, so I can get online. I have been using the laptop, but its just not the same. lol I MISS my puter.
So yesterday, Christy and I stopped by my old apartment, to give Jaime her laundry soap. We talked for a few, then Keisha, my old neighbor came home, and we all sat there in the parking space on the curb and talked and laughed, and had such a wonderful time. GAH!! That is what I miss. I LOVED living in that freaking apartment. I was never lonely, because I always knew Jaime would be home soon, or I could just go outside, take Titus for a walk, and have fun with the neighbors. I had seriously the most fantastic neighbors. They were fun as hell, and just the nicest people in the world. Doug, the guy next door moved out. He was the maintenence guy, but was in a motocycle accident, and pretty messed up. He can’t work, so couldn’t afford to stay there anymore. Oh had I known that, I could have moved in there. I would have KILLED to have that spot.
Jaime told me she finally spent her first night in the bedroom, and it was really rough. Her doctor made her take a leave of absense from work, she really isn’t doing well. I guess on her second day of midnights, she cried all night long. ITs just not going to work, it truly isn’t. On friday night, we met up at like 11pm, at Taco Bell, and talked until they kicked us out at 1am. lol It was nice, and I have truly missed it. This transition isn’t easy. I find myself waking early, and trying to get out of the house early, before anybody else wakes up. I just don’t want to DEAL with people. I stay gone all day, and come home once everyone is in bed asleep. If I am home, I hibernate in my room, only coming out when ABSOLUTELY necessary. And its not like I don’t enjoy the poeple I live with….I just….oh I dunno. I’m so afraid of being a nuisance or a bother. Robin is fantastic. I LOVE her to death. She is sooo nice, and sooo accomodating. She truly makes me feel welcome there. We talked on Froday for awhile, she helped me get the big birdcage in the car. LOL She even offered to drive me to Illinois to bring hungry to allison….how sweet was that…but noooo…lol I didnt want to put her out like that. And I take Titus everywhere I go….cuz I don’t want him to be a bother either. He is such a good boy though, and he has really adjusted well. He always does. The kids love him, and enjoy spoiling the hell outta him. I need to take him to get a haircut. He looks soooo mangy lol I have also been lax at brushing him, cuz I have still not unpacked. I got one or two boxes open. lol The toys(yes of the sexual variety) and the pet food. lol CRAP!! I need to buy rat bedding. I got that nice new cage, right? Yeah, we moved in the tank, and i stopped using the new one. lol Stupid, right? I like the old one better, even tho the new one is better for them. Tanks are just easier to clean. Especially now that I don’t have an easily available water source. We have one bathroom in this house, that we’re now sharing amongst 6 people. EEKS!
I’m really not feeling well. My stomach is upset, and queasy.

Friday, I went to wal-mart, then went home, got hungry loaded up, talked to Robin, listened to her bitch about our landlord. lmao and then went to Allison, and brought her Hungry…she is gonna keep him until mr man moves out. lol IT will just be easier not listening to him bitch bout how loud my poor birdie is. He’s a freaking PARROT!!!
Sheesh….so then I also pickedup Joey and had him ALL weekend…two nights…lol After I got back from Allison’s, hung out with Jaime for a bit, then went home, got up nice and early with Joe boy, and went to mommys. Got dad his b-day present, and then we all went to Shawn’s BBQ. That was fun, but it was kinda eh this year. Didn’t get ot laugh like prior years. Missed that. Joey was good, but wanted to be held the whole time….lol
Went back to  moms, and played Dominoes with the fam. That was awesome, then I went home, and we went to bed. Joey woke me up at 3am hungry, and it was just so hot in my room, he  had trouble settling down. So we napped and ate on and off all morning, and his dad picked him up at 11.Gave me $40, when I expected nothing so yay!!!!!!! I then got up, showered, got food, and Christy decided she would be over later. lol So I took a nap, then started to the task of unpacking, organizing, and cleaning. Got halfway done, and she got here….brought the desk in, then started setting up my puter. We left, went to Jaime’s then went to see a movie. Ended up seein Sisterhood of the Traveling pants 2. It was soooooooo cute. Even tho I never saw the first one. lol
So yeah, thats my weekend. Tonight, closing up the crib, and packing up the baby stuff. Will have him next saturday, so dont wanna pack up tooo much. Thank heavens I have so much babystuff. Too bad I gave away the swing and highchair. That would have come in handy.
OH and I bought a book last night….Nights in Rodanthe….oh its soo good so far. I can’t wait, it will be finished tonight. They made a movie of it too, that I want to see. Nicholas Sparks is truly my favorite Author.
Ok, well I need to actually work. I feel so sick and off and ick, that I wanna just vomit. I just may….we shall seee







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Hope to come see you soon! Hope all is well, and you can set up a nice home. Love you, Rai