Tagged – 10 Weird/Random Things About Me

Whoever reads this is tagged, unless it’s in their own diary, okay?  Okay, good.  Now that that’s done . . .

1. When I was a kid, I was never afraid of the witch of the West.  I was afraid of the Tin Man.

2. I have a habit of starting craft projects and never finishing them.  I will one day, though!  But I say that for all of them . . .

3. I’ve more or less given up on the idea of a Prince Charming and finding someone to love me who I will love back.

4. I’m so completely in-a-good-way jealous of Melanie and Dolly.  They have their Prince Charming’s, and you can see it just be looking at them when they’re with their guy.  I’m unbelievably happy for them, but at the time, so completely jealous of them.

5. I’m an admitted diary/myspace/livejournal lurker.  There should be a club.  BLA, Blogger Lurkers Anonymous!

6. I’m starting to seriously dislike summer.  I mean, I love to swim, but I hate being all hot and sweaty.  I’m seriously perferring winter, when it’s cold and snowy and there’s the chance to ice skate.

7. Of all the cats I’ve ever owned, (and believe me, that’s a lot of cats!) Merry is the first one that’s orange.

8. Before Merry, I never attempted to give a cat a bath.  (And I came out of it with no scratches!  Just somewhat wet when he shook himself off.)

9. I’m determined to own a blue and gold macaw before I turn thirty.

10. The only show I really care at all about watching on TV presently is House.

And an extra one for all you readers of my diary.  (Yeah, because I really think there are more than, lik,e four of you . . .)

11. I figured out why House is named House!  House is basically a medical Sherlock Holmes, (the clues are all there in the episodes, it’s freakin’ awesome to catch them, like the fact that House lives in an apartment, numbered 221,) and look:  Holmes.  Take out the L and what do you have?  Homes.  House, Homes.  House.  Home.  Get it?  Cool, huh?

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House even has his own little Dr. Watson!

September 27, 2007

I LOVE house. Its just not the same though without chase,foreman and cameron 🙁

Saw you on the front page. I love House too! It will be interesting to watch this season and see what unfolds.