Do I — Do You — Should We???
I just read a couple of fairly interesting entries/notes on a witches life‘s diary. I just find it incredibly interesting that she wrote an entry a bit back, asking others if they cared about the grand scheme of things. If they even thought about anymore than their hair, their make-up, their jobs, etc. If they thought about the people being shot and killed every day. If we cared about that. And I cannot believe how many hate notes she got back from that entry. Things like, “I care about things, DO YOU?” And more or less insulting her for even writing that entry. You know what I think? I don’t think these people do care. I think their lives are just one mass of ME. They’re what’s important in their world, therefore, themselves, and whatever else is in their small world is all that matters to them. Then, an entry like that comes along that makes you think that, hey, there are several billion other people on the planet besides me, and it asks them if they care, if they even think for one minute about all these other people, and because they don’t, they get defensive. They don’t want to sound selfish, so they insult, saying of course they do, why, doesn’t she?
Not only do I think that in general, humans are a selfish sort, I think that we can’t think about everyone else in the world. At least, not all the time. Just like our senses only allow so much in, our minds only allow so much in. Because if we took in everything, we’d go on sensory overload and pop. Okay, we wouldn’t pop, but still. We’d come close to the breaking point, and when people reach whatever their breaking point is, they can potentially just shut down.
Okay, I want to rant on something else now. Well, not rant, but open a debate.
I try to think of other people everyday… it’s my duty as a human being to repair and defend all those in need of my abilities. If we all acted like that, then we could be better people, stronger people, a better community, a strong community. There would be nothing we couldn’t accomplish [Angel Knight]
i think it’s a survival issue as well. you’re programmed to take care of your own needs before worrying about others. you ahve to keep YOURSELF alive before you can help other people with everything. i don’t think it’s necessarily that people don’t care, i just don’t think they think about it in everday life, only when something draws it to their attention. but that’s probably a ood thing, because [(( paroxysm ))]
if that was part of ou everyday thinking, we would, like you said, pop. *good anyway, response to your note: i don’t have a favorite although i’d have to say that paul and john are definitely prefered =P what other music do you like? [(( paroxysm ))]
Very interesting entry Kate, I think that people want to care, but they don’t want to go out of their way to do anything about it. They think, but don’t act. BTW: I feel like an idot asking this, the reason this is a private note, but what does RYN mean? [OrcDragon65]
You’re right. I have to catagorized things in my head LOL. Things I can’t change, things I can, things pertaining to me, things pertaining to others, etc. It’s just difficult to balance them out sometimes. Personally I certainly can’t think of them all at once because well, like you said, my head would explode. [Little Siamese]
Why would that entry set people off? And thanks, but I don’t think I’m really needin’ to talk much. A new day, a better gut feeling. =D See? Happy happy happy! (Ah, the beauty of manic depression. No mood ever lasts long.) [HyacatDuncan]