Okay, So I’m Crazy

Yep, I’m nuts. Basically, I’ve realized how late I’m staying up, and frankly, there’s no way I’m getting my sleeping schedule back on track by going to sleep, because if do that, I’ll wake up at two. So, I’m just going to stay on here, or watch a movie or whatever, and stay up the rest of the night. Or the few hours till morning, considering it’s almost five in the morning. Oh, well. Happy Easter, everyone!!! On the upside, I did another drawing of Kagome, from Inu Yasha. And I talked to the girl that Jason has been telling me about lately. She’s really cool. I’m glad I got the chance to talk to her. Okay, my typing is really gonna suck, cuz the screen is focusing in and out. Oh, well. It’s my own fault for being up this damned late. I didn’t think it was much past two and hour ago!! And that would have still been okay, but then I look down and I see four, and I’m like, “Oh, damn.”

I don’t know what to write. I think I’m overtired, because the idea of sleeping doesn’t appeal to me. I like the idea of settling down and being comfy, but sleeping, I don’t think I’d do. I figure I’ll take a shower in a couple of hours. Hopefully, I’ll stay awake the entire day. I’m just as glad I said I’d stay here with Mike, because I don’t want to drive if I pull this off. A doctor’s words here: if you’ve stayed awake for twenty four hours, your blood alcohol level is the same as that of a drunk person’s. I find that interesting, because I’ve stayed awake almost twenty four hours before, the night after my junior prom, and wasn’t that different from my normal self. Yeah, my eyes were almost going in two different directions, but other than that . . . Okay, yeah, and I came up with the cactus thing, too. And that was really funny. See, I actually went to Youth Group that day, and we were supposed to make a list of four ways to gain patience, tolerance, and two other things I can’t remember because I was listing the other two. Well, my first step to patience was buying a cactus. the second was counting how many days in between each time you had to water it. Then later on, when Ryan’s dad was up there talking, I drew a picture of a cactus, and hung it on the bulletin board behind him.
“See? I’ve got company!” ::Looks at drawing of cactus:: Lol. Okay, I don’t expect anyone to understand that except me.

Yeah, I’m just looking behind me, correcting my typos as I go. Damn, I forgot about my chicken soup. It’s still there on the table. Damn. Oh, well. Man, this is gonna be one random entry. ::Sighs:: Well, what am I thinking? About Jason, I guess. And what I want to ask him on Monday. Or Wednesday, whichever comes first. Opportunity, I mean. I know Monday comes first.

Okay, I think I’m gonna go now. Gonna go check out if something was done that someone said they’d do.


Happy Easter! 🙂 [Genuine Answers]
Welcome to my world of being an insomniac. I’ve been sleeping more lately though (except last night because of my STUPID essay) *lol* [SolarEclipse]
hey thanks fer telling me what ryn means. as much time as i spend on this thing and on the net in general, i cant seem to get the ” lingo ” love, [A7Xgothicvamp]
*chuckle* nice entry, I’m an acute insomniac, so I know what those nights are like. Warm milk will put you out, but in you case, staying awake for 24 hours and then going to be around 9-10 pm makes for an AWESOME night’s sleep, usually filled with trippy and meaningful dreams. Just whisper to yourself as you lay there “I will remember my dreams tonite” a few times. Okay, I wrote the teacher thing! [Angel Knight]
happy easter, buddy 🙂 [Nora’s Diary]
Hey! Your mom told me you didn’t go with them to see nanna cuz you were too tired. Poor nanna misses you. Oh, well. It’s my fault for keeping you up everynight this week anyway. I even told your mom so and she said something akin to “aha! So that was you?” Happy Easter, ma bon am. Talk later. I go work now…*snores* [HyacatDuncan]

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