My Eyes

     Okay, well, I went to the eye doctor, and they did some tests, looked in my eyes, and whatnot, and the doctor said, in layman’s terms, it was pink eye due to allergies.  So, nope.  I’m not going blind.  Yay!  ::Smiles sheepishly::  I let my fears get the better of me sometimes.  It’s just that I did have a blind family member.  My grandpa, who died in October of 2001, was blind since he was in his, I believe, late 20’s.  It was a completely different situation, his retinas detached, and they didn;t have the medical technology to fix that like I believe they do now.  But just thinking about that, and knowing that he spent close to fifty years in darkness . . .   It’s enough to make anyone paranoid.
     But, long story short, I have new drops, and I’m thoroughly cleaning out my room tomorrow.  I’m dealing with this better, since he gave me a definite thing of what it was, though he couldn’t tell me what I was allergic to.  I’m guessing it’s just a reaction to dust, or mold spores in the air, or something.  In any case, it’s something I can deal with, and it’ll just inspire me to be a cleaner person.  I hope.

     Anyway, that’s the story of my eyes.

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