Random Pagent, Round Four

Wow.  I made it to round four.  I honestly didn’t expect to.  Well, anyway, on to the question.  If I could remain at any age, what age and why?

I don’t think I can give a definite age on this one, but I’d say the age where you’re old enough to have people listen and respect you for your mind and opinions, but you’re still young enough to be a kid.  I think that’s the most important thing about growing older.  So many of us forget that we ever had an innocent little child inside us.  We forget it and never think about it, and then we’ll see a child in the park, marveling over wanting to swing high enough to go over the top bar, and we’ll stop and smile, thinking ‘were we ever that young?’  Of course we were.  It’s just been forgotten over years of growing up and facing the “real world.”

I never want to forget that innocence.  I would stay an age where I had the maturity and respect of my peers and seniors, but also where I could roughhouse with some kids on a baseball field.

I don;t know where I first heard this quote, but it well fits.  “We don’t stop playing because we get older.  We get older because we stopped playing.”

Well, I’m never going to stop playing.



At least you made it. 😛 [*~Advice~*]
Ryn: Since you have a fear of losing people, you probably use the idea of taking the person for granted as a defense mechanism. Just focus on enjoying and cherishing every moment with the people you care about and think less about your fear. Remind yourself of what you have and constantly be the best person you can be, which will get them to remind you more too of the friendnships you share. I [*~Advice~*]
hope that made sense. I’m really sick right now, so I’m kinda in a blah mood and not sure I’m being too coherent at the moment. [*~Advice~*]
heh sorry about that, i have a nasty habit of being blunt sometimes and it tends to give people the wrong impression. [JEPO]
Cheers, sweety! I agree completely – I’ll be playing right alongside you in spirit while the physical part of me plays in my current location.
xo [aglow]

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Tell me more about the pagent you were in. Such as what kind it was and how long it took you to do this and how you made out with it. I mean did you end up winning in the end and if so what place and what did you get. If you didn’t win that is ok.