Random People, Random Memories
I was thinking tonight while I was at work that a lot of the poeple who really impact your life are the people you only meet once. I don’t know why this is, but it’s remained a fact for me throughout my life. I recall different people who I met once, and we’ve promised to write, or call, or something, but never have.
Once, when I was a kid, about nine, or ten, my parents and I were flying out to Washinon to visit my grandparents. On the plane there, I met a kid my age named David. He was from New York. I thought that was awesome, and we spent a good deal of time on the plane talking. We exchanged addresses, and said we’d write to one another, but we never did. I never saw him again, and haven’t heard from him, but I still remember him. I even remember what he looked like, though I can’t recall what we talked about.
I went to Creation, (basically, a giant Christian Woodstock,)and there was a guy who passed our area, and started talking and joking with all of us. He said to call him Bhob. Yes, pronounce the ‘H.’ I loved it when he would come by. He was so funny! I have some pictures of him, and the entire Youth Group got his E-mail address, and he got theirs, and I gave him my snail mail address, since I didn;t have access to a computer then. I don’t know if the rest of the Youth Group heard from him, but I never did. I miss him, and I wish he would have written.
I have other people that remember, but I can’t remember any right now. Oh, well. I’ll write more on this later.