What People Never Consider
People die of cancer every day. People smoke every day. People die of hunger every day. People throw out literally tons of food each day.
All these things and more that people rarely think about unless they see it, or it happens to someone they know. Or maybe they have an opinion on it, but only if no one around them does any of the things.
I realize I’m not making sense. Hang on, I’ll get my head on straight as this goes on.
I hope this doesn’t cause another rift, but I was talking to Melanie a few nights ago, and something has been sticking in my head that she said. Someone that she cares about very much is a smoker. And from the beginning, the very start of when I met her in Art class, she has told me that she is very much against smoking, and no matter what kind of person the smoker is outside of lighting up a literal stick of poison, that they are an idiot for smoking. I fully agree with her. So, I asked her, why is she so close with this person who smokes? She gave an answer that I can also agree with. She didn’t want to miss out on knowing a great person just because she didn’t like that they smoked.
What I don’t understand is, if she has objections about smoking in general, and has known people who died of it, as has just about anyone you can meet, why doesn’t she object to this person’s smoking? Try to convince him to quit? Go on the patch? Something? She told me it was his choice and that if he quit, it would be in his own time. Again, yes, I can agree to that, but only to an extent. It’s the person’s own choice when to quit, but I think that when someone is in a relationship with a non-smoker, they have to take that person into account. If the non-smoker says it’s no big deal, they really don’t care, that’s one thing. But if the other person has serious objections, but just isn’t voicing them, saying that it’s their choice of when to quit, if they’re going to . . . I don’t know. I just don’t get that. Why risk a person’s health just because you tell them that it’s their choice if they want to quit?
I just don’t get it. I wouldn’t want to date a smoker, yet I know two people who are perfectly willing to do just that, I’ve personally known two different people who have died of smoking-related cancer . . . I just don’t get why anyone would want to do that to their bodies. I mean, literally, cyanide, rat poison, and uria are in cigarettes! Uria! And I don’t even know if I’m spelling that right, but you know what else uria is in? Your pee! And I only named three of the over-four-hundred chemicals in cigarettes.
I don’t know how anyone can stand it. I actually had my curiosity get the better of me once, and I tried a cigarette. My throat burned for about half an hour, and that was after drinking about a gallon of water, straight from the tap. How do people get used to that sensation? How do some people like that sensation? I don’t think I’ll ever understand that.
Well, I’m gonna go. Gotta think on my next entry. Maybe I’ll do "Drunken stupors–and how to get photos!!"
Lol. Okay, later.
Things are more complicated than they seem on the surface. Not everything is black and white. No, I don’t have any regrets about it. I’m a better person because of it. I found out a lot about myself. And when I say long time ago, I don’t mean like years, I mean 5 months. And yes, he is an asshole, and no, if I had the chance to do it again, I wouldn’t. But I’m glad I did. I’m not saying it’s right
or wrong. My personal philosophy has alwas been, I won’t tell you what to do in your life, as long as you stay out of mine. None of this is meant to be bitchy or any thing, it’s just me randomly replying to your random notes. Honestly, I commend you on your convictions, but please don’t try to tell me I’m an idiot when you have only covered a miniscule portion of the surface of my story.
Honestly..Kenny did quit for me at one point. But then he went back to it. I realized then, that he has to stop smoking because he wants to, not because I want him too. He’s old enough to make his own decisions, and I love him so I’m with him no matter what happens. I would love it if he quit, but I can’t make him do that.
Oh..by the way..thank you for the notes showing support. I honestly haven’t talked to anyone about my cousin dying yet..so it’s not just you *lol* But I really appreciate the notes and everything. Thank you.
Hey, I want to thank you for your kind words, they really did make me feel better.
My dad smokes and I have been trying to get him to quit for so long! I have no idea how anyone could WANT to smoke, its disgusting! I am worried about him and his health. I guess I just have to keep talkin to him about it.
Anyways, Take care and God Bless.