survey thing (real entry one back)

 Wasting time before bed:

 Do you ever find yourself running out of things to say during a conversation?
Of course.  I’m pretty socially awkward at times.

Who has the exact same phone as you?
Nobody I know, but a lot of people have the SGS2
Are your parents still married, divorced, or split up?
How many people from Oklahoma do you know?
How many times a day do you say "no?"
A lot
Do you drink tea?
How many fake flowers are in the room you’re in?
Like a half dozen or so
Does your pet have a collar? What does it look like?
Yeah.  It’s like greenish
Have you ever dated a soccer player?
What commercial do you find most annoying?
Don’t watch commercials, DVR ftw..
If you had to spend the rest of your life in one place, where would it be?
What language would you like to master?
I’m still working on english
Who would you least likely expect a phone call from?
Hmm..  In terms of people i actually occasionally talk to?  Probably becky
Do you like mashed potatoes?
To a problematic degree.
Are your nails long or short?
Bitten short
How long has it been since you have been to a concert?
I went to girl talk over the 4th of july.
Who have you texted in the last 24 hours?
A lot of people.  shittopn
Kickball or dodgeball?
What kind of computer do you have?
Where was your dad born?
I have no idea.
How many times have you been to the ER for yourself?
A lot, probably 7 or 8
Do you do your own laundry?
Sometimes.  My mom likes to do it, so like… who am i to say no?
How many months until your birthday?
What are you listening to?
The office re-runs
Been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to do?
Hmm…  Not lately
Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes?
Sometimes.  But not really.
What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
Celery. Or ice cream
If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? 
When was the last time you cried really hard? 
Hmmm…  been a while
Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Yeah.  I’d look odd, but nbd
What’s one thing you want more than anything in your life?
kids, someday.
Last person you gave something to?
The cashier at panchero’s
Do you like winter time? 
What was the last movie you watched and when?
watched some despicable me a few days ago.
Did you ever lose a best friend?
Of course.  Yearly.
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough, you’ll get it?
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
Not really.
What is the last nonalcoholic beverage you had? 
Beer on saturday.
Do you get distracted easily?
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 
played some xbox.
Are you jealous of someone?
not at the moment.
Have you ever had an epiphany? What did it make you realize?
Yeah, i have a lot.  Usually heartbreak leads to epiphanies for me.
Do you like driving? If you don’t drive, do you like car rides in general?
LOVE driving.  it’s one of my major de-stressers.
What was the last idiotic thing you heard someone saying?
i dunno, happens a lot.
If you had to be trapped forever in the world of a Disney movie, which one would you choose?
Are there any noises that scare you?
not really.
What was the cause of your last ended friendship?
difference of opinion on a situation
Have you ever made jello shots before? How about vodka gummy bears?
Do you still live in the same house you dd 5 years ago?
What’s your most favorite line/memorable quote from any movie?
Even though it was a poem, morgan freeman reading ‘invictus’ counts in my head
How much coffee do you drink per day?
None. Caffeine triggers me hard.
Who are the happiest people you know? Why do you think they are so happy?
Hmmm.  probably jo and nic, cause they got shit somewhat close to figured out.
If you could be remembered for one thing forever, what would you want to be remembered for?
Hmm.  just being a nice dude, i guess?.
In your own opinion, what’s the best and worst way to break up with someone you’ve been with for quite a while?
Best: to be honest.  don’t drag shit out
Worst: to wait for the other person to get sick of your bullshit
What is one personality trait you’ve tried hardest to change in yourself? Is there any reason why you want that changed?
I’ve tried really hard to get closer to being ‘go with the flow’.
Does family always come first for you? If not, who (or what) does?
Are you good at writing essays? Do/did you put much effort into them at school, or do you just put words on paper and hope for the best?
I’ve always been good at just writing coherently
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve discussed today?
My bottom retainer.
Personally, how do you feel about relationships that start off from social networking?
No judgmeent on how things go down.
What was the last thing you were accused of? Was it true?
Being tooawesome. totally true.
If you make surveys, what gives you ideas for them? If you don’t, then what are your favorite kind of surveys to take?
random shit, medium lengths.
Do you tend to follow your heart or your brain? For example, if you still have feelings for someone (heart) but you know they’re bad news (brain) which side usually wins out?
Are there any things that you refuse to buy the cheap or imitation version of? Are there any things that you never buy anything but the generic brand of?
Graham Crackers.
Have you ever tried any of the weird pringle flavors (buffalo wing, baked potato)?
Not really, no.
How long has it been since you sent out a text?
Bout an hour.
What do you like best about fall?
What scent is your bodywash?
Man scent.
When’s the last time someone sincerely apologized to you, and what for?
Not sure.   Still debating if recent apologies were sincere..
Do you ever take old surveys of yours to compare answers then & now?
When’s the last time you had one of those ‘what a small world!’ moments?
Facebook was like ‘oh, you’re friends with this person, too?’ on sunday.
Which would you rather have: coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate.
Are there any blank CDs in the room you’re in?
What is something you hear right now, other than music?
The hard drive in the dvr.
Do you have a favorite kind of chapstick?
Burts bees.
Is the air conditioning or the heat on right now?
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
Do you prefer zip-ups or hoodies?
What’s the closest picture to you of?
a photo from 80s prom.
What’s the last thing you heated up in a microwave?
some chili.
What’s the last bit of advice you gave someone?
"stay sane".
Does it bother you when people correct you?
Do you use Febreeze?
Do you own moccasins?


Are you afraid of plane rides? 
Don’t you hate it when young girls try to act like sluts? 
yeah, as a future father, yes..
Do you like unique or common names? 
Ummm, dunno?.
Are you a moody person? 
Nah, fairly go with the flow.
Do you get invited to a lot of parties? 
Not really.
Do you have a pair of those nerdy glasses that everyone has been getting? 
Have you ever made a turkey dinner all by yourself? 
Do you have a gay friend?
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? 

No idea

Do you like Adam Sandler movies?
Some of them.
Why did it not work out with your last ex? 
Cause she had no idea how to be in a relationship.
Your ex before that? 
Two completely different people that had no business being in a relationship.
Who did you last hold hands with?
Do you do drugs? 
Have you ever overdosed?
How many sex partners have you had? 
Have you ever had an STD?

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