the weekend/ survey thing

the weekend was a great one, went ENTIRELY too quickly, but had a great time.  

this week, not going to be QUITE as awesome, namely because i get my wisdom teeth (3 of them) out on thursday morning.  tres nervous, never been under the knife, never been under general anesthesia, nada.  hopefully it goes alright.
i’m not going to go into all the gushy details, cause i’m sure that would just jinx the whole situation, but there’s a new girl in my life, and it’s making me that moron that can’t stop smiling.  that guy that the sad, bitter, and alone among us (ie: me a month ago) absolutely hated.  
i’ll leave it at that for now.  if you really want all the mushey mushey details, get at me and i’ll wax poetic about it, but i dont think chronicling and overanalyzing every second of my time with this girl is going to be my MO.  that hasn’t worked out so well in the past, just going to enjoy the ride, especially considering it’s my first foray into the dating world without meds, keeping a steady head is dually important.
if i dont get around to posting before thursday, wish me luck.  surgery’s at 8:15, and i’ll be on codeine by 9:30.  weeeee
also, spent a lot of time listening to young money, the guiltiest of guilty pleasures. 🙂

 just took an ambien, waiting for it to kick in, we’ll see if i can get this thing finished before i pass out at my desk…. stolen from ruby tuesday.

Calendar Year Review…
JANUARY: How did you ring in 2010? Details! Where, who, kiss, etc??? Hammered, downtown iowa city, ill-advised kisses outside the mill.
FEBRUARY: Were you in a relationship for Valentine’s Day and what’d you do? Nope.  Still never been in a relationship on v-day
MARCH: Did you celebrate St. Patty’s Day by getting drunk? Not really, don’t really celebrate st patty’s day, despite my irishosity.
APRIL: Did you have to walk in the rain (or any month in 10)? of course!  totally fun!
MAY: Did you fail any classes? nope, dont with classes.  woohoo..
JUNE: Did you buy a new swimsuit? I think i might have, actually.  never used it though.
JULY: Did you party on 4th of July? Yes. 
AUGUST: Did you go to the beach? Nope. i live in iowa.  beaches?
SEPTEMBER: Did you start school again? Nope.  no SCHOOL
OCTOBER: What did you dress as for Halloween? a guy who was too old to go out and party hard?
NOVEMBER: What did you do for Thanksgiving? spent it with friends and family and friends and family
DECEMBER: What do you want/what did you get for Christmas? i dont really need anything for christmas.  just more of what life’s brought me.


Personal Reflection
Did you reach your goals for 2010? ummm, i dunno.  sort of.  i dont really think setting concrete goals is always a good thing.  i think setting goals moment-to-moment, making choices that line up with your values, that’s what matters more…
Beside your set goals, what else did you accomplish? got hired full time, got off my meds, learned a shitton about myself, etc.
What is something you learnt about yourself? I have the ability to bounce back from just about anything, stronger than before.  
Did you do anything you’d never though you’d never do? Ohhhh yes.  5k? warrior dash? etc etc etc

In 2010, Did You…
Change your appearance? Not really, got a new tattoo, grew a beard…
Move to a new place? nope
Go to a concert? tons.
Go to a sporting event? totally.  lots of them.
Get a new job? same job, new ‘permanent’ classification.
Get a new addition to your family? not technically, but met people i consider close enough to be family nowadays?
Gain new friends? yes.
Loose old friends? yes. :-/
Get into a fight (verbal or physical)? verbal yes.  physical no.
Puke from drinking too much? of course, that’s how i roll.  although i haven’t been puking as much since coming off my meds.
Travel? not as much as previous years…
Go to a wedding? yeah, about a half dozen of em.
Go to a funeral? nope
Go to the hospital? yeah.
Have any runins with the law? not this year!!
Start a relationship? yeah
End a relationship? yeah
Spend over $1000 on something? i dont think so.

Favorite 2010..
Month? hmmm.  july/august was pretty great, all things considered.  november/december probably wins though.
Season? fall
Holiday? hmm… holidays sort of fell flat this year… 
Memory? too many to count.  seeing two of my best friends get married?  probably the #1
Party? jo and nic’s bachelorette party?  ugly sweater bar crawl?  my week-long birthday party?  all were awesome
Event? jo and nic’s wedding, for sure.
Club/Bar/Hangout?  hmm.  blue moose most likely.
Moment you laughed so hard that you cried? hmmmm.  nothing comes to mind.
Movie? inception hit me really really hard, still haven’t been able to go back and watch it again yet.
Song? "shots", probably, just because it was present at almost every amazing time i had over the year.

Worst 2010…
Memory? not worth getting into
Day at work or school? the one where i thought i was gonna get fired?
Embarrassing moment? once the video surfaced of me dancing on the bar at slippery pete’s?
Fight/Disagreement/Argument? not worth getting into.
Pain you felt? i’ll go ahead and guess that the pain i’ll feel coming out of wisdom tooth surgery on thursday will be the worst.

Person you met? not worth getting into.
Movie?  hmmm.
Song? not worth getting into.
Place? not worth getting into

For NYE 2011…
Where will you be? jo and nic’s house gettin mah drank on.
Who will be there? everyboooodyyyy
Do you want to kiss someone at midnight? yeah, but it won’t be happening.
What are you wearing? crap.  no clue.  white dress shirt with tie always wins, right?

In 2011…
What are your goals? to keep making daily choices that take me toward the person i want to be and the places i want to end up.
What do you look forward to? whatever the world brings.

yay! i made it! zzzzz

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December 21, 2010

You’ll be ok Thursday. :o)