forgot about dre

cept forgot about dre, they (or i, or whoever) forgot about bri.

spent all this morning dealing with drama mentioned in previous entries.  trying to get everyone to at least be able to be in THE SAME ROOM as each other…  trying to get people to at least extend an olive branch and TRY to be adult about it.  and i’m not sure how much good it did anyone.  seems like everyone’s more anxious and more put-off than they were to begin the day…

all i’m trying to do is get everyone their happy ending.  i’ve seen the happy ending of situations like this, and i’ve seen the sad ending of situations like this, and i REALLY dont want anyone i care about getting the sad ending… 

then, around 1:30 or 2, i had just had enough.

i’d had enough of trying, of busting my ass for other people, of not taking care of myself…  i had 4 or 5 people today come to me for shit.  money, computer help, relationship advice, work help, picking my brain, rides places, and it just got to be WAY too much.  people take advantage of my kindness.  i turned off adium, blasted the music in my headphones until work was over, went to the gym for an hour, came back home and played madden. 

i fucking hate people today.  i wish i could wash my hands and leave it alone, but i can’t.  my heart won’t let me try any less.  when does that stop being something that drives you into the ground and start being something that people notice?

i was raised to do what i can for those i care about.  i don’t know any other way to go about the world.

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