An honest to God paying business
So Jerry discovered Craig’s List… I mean, REALLY discovered it. Of course, we knew about it before, but never used it, never really went on it. Two? weeks ago he found a van mounted carpet cleaner on there for 3 thousand dollars. He asked me if we should buy it, and get some money rolling in. Of course I jumped on that bandwagon. It’s going well so far. We’ve done some trading, we’ve done some paying jobs, and of course, our carpets look FANTASTIC. There’s still stains, but they look TONS better. We got an older iBook G4 for doing one guy’s carpets, Jerry’s got a job tomorrow that is paying real money (lol). I just have to figure out how to get the web site up. Which is not going to be fun, cause my skills are so rusty. I hate trying to design web pages, I’m so lousy at design. It’s just not my forte, not anywhere CLOSE to my forte.
Just got a call from my mom, her dog died, mostly of old age… his heart failed. She knew it was coming, and in a way, it was a relief, because he was just so miserable there at the end, and she was so tied up into his care, poor baby. That dog, and Shabree’s build-a-bear pink poodle share the same name, lol… when she was two, mom came for a visit and after she left, Shabree started calling her dog Koko after him. Really cute, and we thought it pretty amazing that she made the connection they were both poodles.
I’ve got the house to myself tonight, and it’s a good thing, cause I was about to lose my ever-loving mind. I asked Becca to take Sammi and Alex for a ride, and she couldn’t be bothered. There are days when I seriously dislike her (Bec) because she’s SO incredibly selfish, and I get treated like shit by her.
And with that bit of negativity, I am out of here. Wish I could be more positive, but hey, we’re back on the road to being dependent only on ourselves… hopefully soon no more government help! I hate the way we get treated by the doctors. Crap, I don’t even want to GO there, so I won’t. I about blew my top the other day, dealing with the doctor’s office "We no longer are accepting medi-CAL patients." Crap, we were ASSIGNED to you a month ago, damn you.
So yea, that’s enough of that.
Yea, going to go before my own negativity puts me back into a BAD MOOD.
Glad to read that the breastfeeding is going so well. Good luck with the carpet business.
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How are you doing? Haven’t seen an update in a long time…..
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Woo Hoo on money coming in. 🙂
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