Just stuff
So last night, I actually worked on my scrap room a bit. I didn’t get too much of a chance to work on it, because Alex kept waking up, and I kept having to go attend to her, but I managed to get some things into the scrap rack, while Jerry worked on email. God, I swear we’ve got to do something about this internet connection. I finally sent him to bed while I sent his emails for him, and it took, oh 15 or 20 minutes for me to accomplish that, something just maddening. I guess I ought to be GRATEFUL we even HAVE an internet connection. Yea… right. I want FAST internet. Urg.
So we went to Hometown Buffet for linner… that’s lunch and dinner, sort of like Brunch, lol. I had soup, and salad, and then I ate off the kid’s plates, because they got EVERYTHING. It was cheaper to get Shabree the whole thing than it was to get her lunch, and Sydni was about the same price, we might have saved 10 cents on her. I fed Alex, she had potatoes, rice, pumpkin, carrots, little bit of mac and cheese. I’ve decided not to worry about food allergies. They just don’t travel in our families, none of the kids have EVER had problems with them. She did choke once, and that was kind of scary… her poor eyes were watering. I’m like "Jerry, HELP." So he practically put her upside down. She was fine, but it was scary. After that, I pretty much quit feeding her. She had already had a lot to eat anyway. She’s upstiars sleeping now, and I’m power pumping (pump for 10 minutes, rest for 10, pump for 10, rest for 10, etc. Do this for about an hour.) Milk production seems fine, I’m wondering if perhaps she’s just having problems getting it into her? I don’t know. I’ve been introducing solids anyway, and hopefully can really cut down on the formula. Esp since Sammi dumped that canister. I’ve been using it w/ her oatmeal, and I think I finally got the right amount of ingredients… spoonful of cereal, half a scoop of formula, water to thicken to what looks about the right consistency. Now that she’s 6 months, she’s doing well with the foods. Surprising what just a few weeks difference can make in readiness. I never even tried to start Shabree on solids until she was 6 months… of course, she could sit up by herself by then… I have NO idea what’s taking Alex so long.
I think I will post this… the next 10 minutes off, I really want to work on this room… I’ll post progress on how it’s going though. HA… maybe I can actually get something done for once? That would be good. I’m glad I have internet access. I really don’t think I would clean up this room just because I didn’t have it. I think I’d just go crazy without it though. I don’t want to test the theory.
I never worried about food allergies either. The only thing we ever came close too and I’m not sure it was an allergy, was that sweet potatoes gave her diarrhea.
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Alex’ll catch up when she’s ready… and choking can be scary. I never worried about allergies with my kids… I just let them eat whatever I ate, smooshed up good.
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