Bec’s birthday party *edit*
I’m having a baby shower! Please visit:
I’m exhausted. Becca had her birthday party today. I barely had anything to do with it, missed like half of it, but I’m STILL exhausted just because I got up at 8:30, and ran Becca around half the morning (or so it felt!) It’s still sort of going on, they’re watching SpiderMan 3, and its a long movie. And SOMEHOW, my Dance Dance Revolution DVD has gone missing. I think Syd’s friend Maurisha’s cousin or brother probably took off with it. 🙁 They were going to play DDR, and the DVD was just gone. We NEVER take it out, because although I have 3 games for the PS2, DDR is the only one we ever play. Now I’m gonna have to replace that DVD :(. The last time it was played was when her family was all over here. They’ve asked a number of times if they could take it to her house, and every time, I have said no way. That is MY game. I won’t have it ruined. It would be too expensive to replace it. Sigh. I don’t know what they’re going to do with JUST the DVD anyway. You have to have the dance pads.
So anyway, we had hamburgers and hot dogs, and Becca got cupcakes from Costco, which were HUGE, probably too large really. But there are three left. I thought they put whip cream frosting on them, but it seems like it’s probably actually buttercream…TONS of it. OMG. Well, I love buttercream anyway, but I’m just not feeling very well at all, so I haven’t had one yet. I feel tired, nauseous, and achy. I don’t THINK I’m coming down with anything, but I wouldn’t swear to it either.
I’m going to keep this short. I’m too tired.
I almost forgot. I think the MediCAL thing is probably dead. I was supposed to have everything turned in by March 10th, and of course, it didn’t happen. I only just got the mail yesterday (big fiasco, we let the box fill up, I had to go to the PO to get it, so pretty much everything was old) I told Jerry to forget about it. Not that I know what we’re going to do… well, I know I’m not going to see a doctor. It’ll be all right. It’s funny though, people ask me what we’re having, I tell them I don’t know, and they just assume we’re keeping it a surprise. I would love nothing more than to know the gender of this baby. But I guess I can wait two and a half more months (What choice do I have? Really?) Obviously, we’re just not wanting them to be that MUCH in our lives. I am pretty sure that’s why Jerry really just never did what I needed him to do. He’s become pretty private, I understand why. I don’t really want the government in our lives either, and besides, it’s SO embarrassing and yucky to have to ask for help. I know Jerry was surprised that we couldn’t just tell them we had this much income. I don’t think he actually expected they’d want the last 2 and a half years of income (and really, what difference does it make? We don’t have any money NOW)
And we just got money, not that it’s enough for the birth, I don’t think, but I DO think it’s too much to qualify for MediCAL. So I think basically we’re just wasting our time. What plan B is, I wish I knew.