Everything is everything is everything

Assume everything is the system of literally all the "stuff" that is in existence–our universe.

Define the existence of everything as the fact that there is "stuff" to be perceived in our universe. Our perception defines our reality, but we know that the universe still goes on without our perception (the death of all humans would not result in the collapse of the universe). Our perception is defined by the dimensions we can sense and define, and how we sense and define them. It is obvious that there must be other dimensions that we don’t perceive, though, because our perception is not "perfect", even the few dimensions we are lucky enough to be able to define are not understood to their fullest. For example, our natural vision does not pick up on a lot of details that exist, and is not perfect. If it were, we would be able to see every atom and every subparticle, and we would be able to look out into space and see all the galaxies and systems in our sky. Instead, though, we only see things with our limited human vision, and have learned of atoms, galaxies, and the stuff we don’t see by using enhancing tools like telescopes and microscopes. There are other reasons that there should be more dimensions too.

So, the "stuff" that is in existence has to be all composed of one elementary particle. If not, we would not have a definition of "stuff". Matter is pretty much what is being referred to. Keep in mind, though, that modern physics has been coming to conclusions that a lot of empty space isn’t "empty", and the matter we perceive only makes up a small portion of all of stuff (the existence of other kinds of matter points to more dimensions and perceptions being possible too). So we can’t think of "stuff" in just the human perceived way. Without the elementary particle being the basis for everything, we don’t have a universal limit on what everything is, and everything becomes anything. If everything is anything, then everything isn’t definable (or perceivable) and so it doesn’t really exist, or isn’t the opposite of nothing.

But where did the stuff come from? If we assume the stuff had to be created, we assume our perception of time is correct. The dimension "time" is perceived by us strangely, because of us existing as humans, having a death and cycles and what not. Because there is a perceived end to our perception of the universe, we tend to assume time is linear.

Sure the "stuff" of the universe is perceived as always moving or changing, but time has to be infinite and nonlinear (unlike our perception) because if it isn’t, we assume there was a start point to everything (time=0). If everything didn’t exist at some point, then it had to come into existence from nothing. There are only two ways it could exist, an entity defined it first, or it randomly exists. In other words, if it wasn’t true randomness that governs the existence of everything, then some aspect of the origin had to be defined before hand by another… entity.

Sure, some sort of entity or creator could be responsible for defining "everything", but it seems unlikely. Again, like our "everything", the entity has only two choices for existence, being consciously decided upon, or being a part of an infinite expansion of everything with no rhyme or reason(true randomness). If the creator is responsible for literally everything, then nothing would have existed before hand…. so what would have created the entity? "Nothing." Also if the creator defined everything as we know it, then that entity is conscious. If the entity is conscious, everything has to exist already, there is something being perceived (see definition of everything). If everything already exists, there is no need for a creator… If the creator/entity was created randomly but is responsible for how we perceive everything or something like that, then it is merely a part of everything and capable of manipulating things, but is not a true creator, it was just a product of everything.

So with the aid of an entity (of itself) or not, the universe pretty much has to be random and infinite. If there was no start to the universe, the big bang could not be the true beginning, and could be only the result of the randomness.

It could also not even be the correct reason sited for our universe’s expansion. Given that the universe is random and infinite, the universe could just always appear to be expanding somehow. Or the expansion could be the perceived time dimension interacting with other dimensions, or some kind of other random phenomena… who knows? (Although there is probably other science that implies a big bang as well, unsure).

Also since the universe is infinite and has always existed and is random, every possible thing that can be made from the elementary particles has already existed before and will exist again. Everything that can happen has already happened. We have a "destiny" because we are the product of mathematics. The definition of randomness in mathematics says that it is never ending, therefore it must cycle through values it has already used.

So far everything we know about the universe does not seem to be rooted in randomness, we notice very specific laws, parameters, patterns that are mathematically sound. Given that our perception is so limited, though, and that everything is infinite, the illusion of design (as opposed to randomness) has to come from the fact that we can’t even begin to imagine the rest of everything that also exists.

Finally, since everything has always existed, and existence is defined by the ability to be perceived, and perception is infinite as well, and everything couldn’t exist without something to perceive it, the elementary particle has to be consciousness. Everything must be aware of everything, or nothing would exist. Although we wouldn’t expect a rock to "feel" the way we do, the subparticles that make up the atoms of it could have some sort of awareness.

We see being "living" as such a great gift that allows us to perceive everything around us, when really it is just a random system from everything that defines the way everything can perceive itself in this one random instance. Who knows what other possibilities exist, and what it can be like when the network of these subparticles that control our brain are no long classified as being alive…

TL;DR the universe is made up of particles of consciousness that are configured in infinitely many random ways to perceive itself. We are just a product of pure randomness and everything that has existed or can exist will exist over and over again.

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