

I did the cam whore biz… worked 87 minutes and made 51 dollars……………….

HAHA! oh man… And that was just at my grandma’s house, without even doing any kind of playing or using toys or anything. I literally just showed them my naked body.
I wonder if I only made that much because I was new and the guys felt sorry for me, or if I’m really just that awesome 😉

Regardless, that is too much money to ignore. When I move into my new apartment (I JUST SIGNED A LEASE TODAY, OHH YEAH) this weekend, I will start doing it more often and try different strategies and see how much I can make 🙂
Oh geez, what a weird life I live. Oh well, I don’t even feel bad.

My new apartment is badass by the way. It’s a two-bedroom, the girl I live with is "hearing impaired" and stays in her room a lot… so I can jam out and camwhore and do whatever I want lol. I have my own bathroom too!

There is a free shuttle that picks people up and takes them to campus, free access to tanning beds, a gym, a pool, a hot tub, basketball and volleyball courts outside and grills…

It’s pretty much luxury compared to where I’ve been living.

I’ve got my driver stuff pretty much figured out too, I’m just waiting for them to process the paper work.

At this point my financial situation is still pending, but if I can make that much money off of camwhoring then it doesn’t seem like such a big deal. Plus my grandma can help me get a part time job in retail.



O.O things are looking up I guess 😛

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December 28, 2011

If you got it, flaunt it.

Congrats on the new apartment!!! Good for you!!! If this cam whore biz is something you enjoy then I support you… go with it.