School concerns

What a piece of shit day. Really, it was a whopper.

I had my psych appointment this morning for the gastric sleeve clearance. I was honest on the 300 question survey and honest when I spoke with her in person. I was not cleared. It feels a little bit like being punished, frankly. I know that’s not the case but it stings right now.

I knew where it was going when she said she was going to refer me to a psychiatrist to be properly medicated. I currently take Wellbutrin, which I thought was a mood stabilizer. She all but stated I was bi-polar. That I agree with. I likely am. All of my information shows that my depression is not situational. Mental illness has an extensive history on my side of the family. I knew not everyone had manic episodes like I do, but I’ve been this way my entire life. I don’t know what “normal” is. After my medication is adjusted and I get into a better mindset, she will clear me. That made me feel a bit better but her assessment of my personality wasn’t wrong.

K worked from home today so I could go to said appt. When I got home, M was a mess. He’s been all over the place the last few days. His screaming and flapping and outright defiance has been challenging. As soon as I walked in, K started saying he was nauseous. He finally has the bug that the rest of us have been battling. I’ve had it for days but I was still expected to “pull my weight”. K gets to hide in the bedroom with the door locked and get actual rest. The most rest I got was Saturday, when he took ONE kid to the store with him alone for 45 minutes. He’s not usually like that but when he’s sick watch out. The drama is real and obnoxious.

Fast forward to pre-school pickup. I lost my shit. Let me preface by saying M’s teachers are the worst. None of them are qualified to be working with special needs children. The lead is spacey and the other two spend their time scowling at the kids. I wish I could pull him out.

A few weeks ago M’s hat went missing. The day he came out without it I immediately reported it missing (before we left). I was told they’d look into it. The next day I was informed “nothing had shown up”. I was inclined to drop it until K saw a different kid WEARING IT HOME. I reported that and again was told they’d look into it. The next day I received a note stating “the child in question did not have it in his bag.” No class communication was sent home for us like it was for another kid when his pants went missing. When I texted (that’s how they communicate sometimes) and told them K saw a child wearing it no one responded. Nothing happened after the note until today. I personally saw the kid wearing it – stains and all. I told an aide that I needed it back today. It was a sensory gift and the only one he’ll wear. Furthermore, it’s OURS. When I picked him up today, the lead teacher said they’d called the mother and she stated the dad had purchased it “months ago”. That’s a flat out lie. He never wore it before M had lost his. His teachers basically told me to get bent.

I got angry. What if it had been something really valuable? Basically I’m being told if a teacher places one of his items in the wrong backpack and that parent decides to be dishonest and keep it I have to bend over and take it. This greatly concerns me bc M may be getting a “talker tablet” to help him better communicate at school. If that goes missing, it’d be like 2k walked out the door. This is about more than a hat – it’s the principle. I’m considering setting up a meeting with them and the principal because there’s been other issues.

1. There’s no communication. I don’t know if he’s eating, playing with other kids, participating in class, behaving, repeating like he does at home….nothing.

2. He came home with bite marks a few months ago and no one could tell me how they occurred. I wasn’t even notified. I had to find them. Mind you, M has a language processing issue and can’t conversate. He couldn’t tell them but I am sure he cried. If there was communication I would’ve known that he likely spent a very long time crying. He doesn’t let things go.

3. Even earlier in the year he injured his head and I had to come in and sign something in the nurse’s office stating X happened. When I asked the aide, she bluntly told me “we already told you we don’t know how it happened.” Actually, bitch, that’s not what I was told. She (the aide) also called him defiant. All behavior issues should be coming from the lead and no one else.

4. Yesterday (2/12/18) when I came to pick him up he wasn’t even listed on the class list! What. The. Fuck. That’s a safety concern. I brought that up today and the aide stated 2 kids were “overlooked” yesterday but he was listed at the top today. Ok……? That still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t feel confident that my child is safe in your care if you’re too disorganized to even list EVERYONE in your care.

I drafted an email to the vice principal but didn’t send it. It was too accusatory and I needed to calm down. Should I consider setting up a a meeting or contacting administration? I don’t want to cause problems for M, but I am becoming quite concerned about that environment for him and he can’t communicate to me what’s going on.

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February 19, 2018

Sounds to me like asking for a meeting would be completely justified!

February 28, 2018

I remember these moments when the kids were small! D got to sleep it off and be better the next day.

good grief. they aren’t really doing their jobs well, are they? is there another school he can go to by any chance? I hate hearing about my friends having to deal with stuff like this and then pay for it. I’ve had other friends who have had to put up with complete nonsense at day cares but they were afraid to say anything for fear of getting kicked out and having nothing.