Gastric Sleeve

I’ve been seeing my doctor every 6 months for years. During my last visit right before Christmas, he mentioned that maybe it was time to refer me to a weight management program. I had really expressed my frustration. I can lose it by drastically cutting carbs (pcos), but I can’t maintain it. 2 years was my longest stretch maintaining a significant weight loss and it was miserable. My body fought me every step of the way to hover 165 lbs and the excessive exercise lead to my back injury. Things have changed since that happened. I’m in constant pain now but I will be damned if I go to a pain clinic. I come from a family of addicts. Hard pass on the permanent pain killers. On the other hand, my quality of life is 0. A second surgery isn’t much of an option as you pay a fortune and then run the risk of hurting yourself again by moving awkward.

So anyway, I decided after the holidays I’d go see the specialist. I am a good candidate for a gastric sleeve. There’s a very high chance it would help eliminate most of my medications (6 at 33 years old is asinine). I had to go to a seminar before the appointment to learn about the procedure. The consult was more of a discussion about my history, etc.

I have begun the required program that prepares you for surgery. There’s tons and tons of steps you have to take for your insurance provider to deem you eligible regardless of what the doctor says. There are diet trials, Psych consults, fitness classes, food journaling etc. I honestly haven’t even decided if this is what I want to do, but it’s such a long process I’m starting and I’ll see how I feel.

My first diet trial was in a class setting yesterday. There were 7 or 8 other women there with me. It’s an intimidating setting. Women are harsh to each other to begin with, but they size you up in there. They look at you head to toe all with the same thought, “is she bigger than me?” I know I did. We all had to be weighed prior to going in and I am 100+ lbs smaller than these other women. That does not mean I am better than them in any way. It did however make me question how I really see myself.

We’ve started going over nutrition and the do’s and don’ya pre/post surgery. No more carbonation, no wine for a year, 4-6 oz worth of food at a time, really learning how to use food for energy supply and not emotional support. This is going to be a process where I learn a lot about myself. When I lost all that weight a few years ago I dove right in, fearless. Something is holding me back now. Maybe I know that I use food as a crutch and I am afraid if I take that away right now I will crumble under the pressure of this family?

Where has my fight gone?

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February 20, 2018

You have to do what is best for you, what programs do you need too do to prove that you are eligible for the surgery?

How do you see yourself? I’m sure very similar to myself, but why do we have such negative views on ourselves? I see you as a beautiful strong lady.

You have us here to support you, the stronger and healthier you are, the stronger and healthier your family will be.

I believe in you.

February 20, 2018

@carley-2 In order for your insurance to approve this type of surgery, you have to undergo diet trials, psych evaluations, nutrition/fitness classes, etc. The list is very long. You have to log your food and it has to be reviewed by not only your surgical team, but your insurance’s doctors. It’s lengthy.

I see myself as unhealthy. I am by no means morbidly obese, but I have what’s called co-morbitities. Diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid problems and pcos. All of these things make it difficult to lose weight and keep it off without going into deprevation mode. I know how to lose weight. I can drastically cut my carbs and up my protein and watch it fall off. Problem with that is it counteracts my diabetic medication which I need to get my A1C down.

And now, thanks to exercising an obsessive amount for 2 years, I have had back surgery to correct slipped/degenerative discs and a bent sciatic. I am restricted to walking and the pool right now.

February 28, 2018

Any self-exploration is going to be scary <3 I love how honest you are being here. As someone who talks to people A LOT (when people do private yoga sessions, they really reveal themselves), I can tell you that even this acknowledgement of the fact that something is holding you back is a step forward. You’re already trying to figure out what it is and that’s a big step already. Not everyone has the ability to really face what is going on right away; it can take some time (I think it did with me.) I hope this makes sense <3