
thats all i can listen to right now for some reason or another.

its getting my heart going.

but im tired. hha so maybe thats not such a good idea.

im cold. and i know what im getting for xmas. there couldnt possibly be a happier girl in all the world.

its about time. its perfect and im so ready for this. my life is going to change from this point forward. dear god it is. my smiling spell is still rampant and my facial muscles ache but with sheer joy. im going to do new things. and old things. and its riveting and resonating. i will let you guess. my dream come true. ugh!!!! my heart could explode with all these sensations. and the longing is finally over. now i have to teach myself to do theory again. to write and analyze. and how to move my wrist and my thighs. and and and. im so in love with the world right now. i must not be making any sense at all =) but i dont even care. grateful i am indeed.



and i made up my mind today.

i am going to louisiana by the spring.

i simply MUST <3


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December 17, 2009

What’s in Louisiana? But you do make sense… the whole being in love with the world thing =D

December 20, 2009

Yeah, you lost me with the wrist and thighs bit. I too am curious to know what’s in Louisiana. ~

December 22, 2009

Do what you must and I shall support it all Why? I don’t know exactly but its what I do best *Hugs*