can this be?



its like having glass in your gums

all stuck between your teeth

it hurts to talk

and to think

and to breathe

so you bite down

so no one can see

but its so silly –

how nieve

to think you can fool

everyone else

when you cant even trick yourself

the blood is evident

even so, there is

something lacking in your eyes

that persistent twinkle

the hope

thats dwindled

yet you disguise

wear a mask and it

gets stuck

you lost yourself

and everyone else can

tell. theres glass in your mouth

its in your eyes.




where did i go?

in all of this.

i think i lost myself in trying to prove something

that im not even sure i believe.




how awful, and tragic.




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May 23, 2008
May 23, 2008

sometimes you try to believe in something or think you do when you don’t, sometimes you jst need to break it down to see the truth

Cryptic, and, as always, thought-provoking. I hope all is ok. Glad to read you again,

May 23, 2008

These things…these painful things…they need to happen for us to learn to survive. Be well dear, we have missed you. There’s beauty in this..and in you.

what does that even mean. Sorry i ruin your life.

May 25, 2008
May 29, 2008

hey, I’m back. and nice poem-type deal doo-hickey. I like it

July 18, 2008