i have discovered …

something i have known all along but chose to disregard.


i cannot even speak in the magnitudes at which i feel.


 this song soothes me, but it fuels this wretched thing swelling within me.

 "Oh how could I have been so wrong?"


And I wept, but my tears are anathema here
Just more water to fill my lungs


And I wept, but my tears are anathema here
Just more water to fill my lungs


And I wept, but my tears are anathema here
Just more water to fill my lungs

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One of these days I’m going to have to come through and reread all your entries with the sound on… I hope all is well.

March 19, 2008

long time no see.. its good to see your still well

How could I have been so wrong…..because we can’t be right all the time. I was thinking something similar to this only moments ago, regretting my actions of a few years passed…but we evolve. We’re not who we once were. We see things now that our tunnel vision before, blocked out. Yes it is good to see you posting. Love from all hearts and the world, be well.

March 20, 2008

Glad to see you are well m’lady *Hugs*

March 22, 2008

i love it, i want to turn it up so loud & close my eyes & f*ck, or do something equally as passionate & real. that was weird of me to say, haha, sorry.