grow grow, pulse pulse

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avoided at all costs. why is that? treading a familiar trail. in every case. someone show me they can be different, that a Y chromosome really doesnt mean you are an asshole. i suppose i just expect too much. just pure simplicity. but with depth, that would be entirely… wonderful.

"see on the silken fringe of his fair eyes –

a tear some dream has loosened from his brain"

surface simplicity. thats all i get i fear.

the world was so wonderful, so daring and bold and gorgeous today. the leaves curled like waves past my feet. warm coffee, and cool breeze, skeletons and ghosts. a secret code, a secret code carved. into my brain.

i like underlining significant sentences… or words in books and putting them back on the shelf. and taking down poetic lines.

i want someone to break my heart, i need to feel that deep tear… so i knowits for real. all of it.

but for once, just once. i want to hear something honest.

that would be nice.

do i ask of much?

it seems so.

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October 16, 2007

something honest…that sounds like a dream, almost…

October 16, 2007

hears something honest…you’re a very creative writer, the way you write is captivating but in so few of words…thats a true gift girl! plus, i love the pic!

the truth about the truth is that it hurts, so we lie. broken hearts heal, and you wonder if they were ever really broken to begin with.

October 18, 2007

i like underlining in books too & writing down quotes 🙂 & the truth..i wish i could understand it, but i don’t. & i won’t even pretend.