keep me up all night

and i’ll wake in my makeup.

two days worth of black smudge on my eyelids. its pretty. heroin chic. filthy lovely.

southern comfort. is eastern comfort. my heart was light and my mind was quick, to quick to place words in their proper placements, therefore distorting others perceptions of the reasoning at hand. typical.

cigarrette holder = chainsmoking. temporarily.

messy hair. yes-uh. lack of excessive dreaming. aging. growing. shrinking.

acting against our lawful brains. lying for a smile. hearts pour fireside. i didnt dare step inside, but i watched and listened and learned. there they were… those excessive dreams. i tried to kiss them away but they grew and grew till a girls insides were out and down and twisting in some water that goes where those wasted babies do. and maybe ive wasted a few.

that is besides the fact and im losing track.

of nothing. cause its something.

i still read, i still save and copy and paste. the words are just as significant as they were the first time they crossed me. and i am forever changed. thank you you. estranged stranger.

take me. exploring. explore.

long car rides. perfect chords. heartbeats. destine destinations.

fate. kiss real hard.




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heroin chic isn’t hot it’s just a fractured woman who ur not sure whether 2 fuck or not, & u get caught up feeling sorry 4 her & wanting 2 ‘abuse’ her. heroin chic is ur mum saying she’ll blow u because it’ll make u feel better. why would a real man waste his time on a woman who “plays” by dressing up as misery deciet & pain & does it get ‘raped’ (ravished) by a beast-boy?? im not ur fukkin toy

September 2, 2007

so deep, so pure


September 2, 2007


September 2, 2007

hey what r friends for right? you’d do the same for me

September 3, 2007

i like this entry 🙂 hope all is well.