i dont like what i see



nothing is real

and i know that now.

its taken so long

and everyday i gain more knowledge, sometimes i think it would be better if i didnt expand onto these new plateaus, if i didnt broaden my horizens… not be so blindsided.

but for what? to have an artificial stamp on my existence? no thank you.

i like raw truth, blatant honesty… even if it hurts like a bitch, its worth something. something much more deep than any lies could fill or heal. and more times than not… it sucks. im just waiting to find an equivelent mindset on the matter – even if only to discuss things thoroughly. but mostly…. to just share this with. its all so beautiful and precious, and this gift is misused… by everyone, to one degree or another, im not perfect, but i do withhold my morals and live up to them to the best of my ability, i just wish that everyone werent soley out for themselves, but unfortuneately that is not so. it makes me sick sometimes, the willingness to turn others for the sake of personal gain, to wring people dry of their passion. and feed from it. sick. why do i care  so damn much? is it cause no one else seems to? why am i writing this? no one reads anymore, and if they do… i dont know.

and what could you take from anything i have said ? or will ever say.

"im just a fucked up girl looking for her own piece of mind"



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Hmm. Looking for your own piece of mind? Or peace of mind? Perhaps both. Some people use the wrong word in context, but I don’t think you did. I think it fit perfectly with what you were saying. Both is to be craved. Be well dear. Life is ravenous these days.

September 1, 2007
September 1, 2007

i always read, and we are few and scattered, we see thigns for what they are… life in a different light so to speak, we dotn live for the rat race, we arent hearded like sheep, we arent false, but we are alone for the most part, but it does get better and it does get easier to live with, knowing is and always will be better then simplely living

September 15, 2007

I surprised myself by listening to that entire song. Surpised myself when I actually liked it. ( In all surprised seriousness )

“i like raw truth, blatant honesty… even if it hurts like a bitch, its worth something.” Good line. One of my favorite sentiments. Getting to be somewhat cliched (perhaps), though I think many who say things like it don’t mean it. But what can you do? Don’t put yourself out finding things. I just thought maybe you used some site like dA that you wouldn’t mind me checking. Thanks though.

I stopped at that line to comment, but the rest of that paragraph is even better…