i can liquidate your fears

art is such a wonderous thing. so lovely in every aspect, every single drip of paint, smudge of ink, its all so perfect. i wish i were capable of the greatest of the great, which would be what exactly? im not so sure myself. but im growing. today i inhaled ammonia, and singed my brain im sure of it. i had to use it to scrub the wall in the basement of the school. aka the entrance to the art room. because michelle, karline, and i are painting the stairwell and walls , all 60’s influnced. trippy art nouevo stuff. cant wait to seehow it turns out. the main part i will be working on is a large mural that reads… "MAKE ART NOT WAR" it will be a great chunk of my life for the next week, the walls need to somehow be complete within the next week or so. before school is over. not much time considering all the planning and painting involved.

you can expect pictures of course.  😉


"altered senses were the primary impulse
drinking whiskey every day smoking second thoughts away
a skipping record was a secondary pulse
and I’m tired but I’m not sleeping

as we chain smoke cigarettes without thinking"


 theres something stale in the air

but we’re just rushing smoke where

our lungs would naturally soak


inexperianced girls once choked

and tried to filter their thoughts

and broken hearts

behind some embers

now they’re hooked.

all because a lonely november.


will ye be proud?

" what will grow crooked you cant make straight "


how gorgeous is that?

i adore those colors.

cigarettes plus ammonia brain tickles equals severe headache.

black swan.



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June 7, 2007

dear Lord how long does your school go until?

June 7, 2007

re: my goodness. my brother’s got out in may, we always get out in may.

June 8, 2007

Old School Art = Cool Shite Covered Virgin Mary = Not Cool Blank Canvas = Not Cool Nude Woman Being Spray Painted Red = Not Cool

June 8, 2007

Your letter has been posted on my diary. You should check it out and let me know what you think. I would like that.