just because


yes, i have posted this video before. truth be told, i love it so much i just felt the need to share it with those who may have missed it the first time around. and chan chan chan, thanks to emilys inspiring words im cutting my hair again.

who nows when, but i miss it, and it grows so damn quick.

today i went back into the archives of my mind (what is left on here anyway) and  reread all the notes i have recieved.

and i fell in love with a few of you. all the lovely words.

it was also interesting to tap back into my past ‘present’ states of mind. what i was thinking, how i was feeling, what i was seeing, listening to. all those sort of things.

itbmakes me want to care even more than i do. write more i guess.

so i will. i just have senioritous. the begining of the end, so its a new begining. so exhilirating.

oh yes.. today i spoke with some people from the massage therapy school in arizona. they seem very interested in me, and the man i spoke with said he has no doubt that i will be coming, garunteed. and i will get some sort of financial aid or what have you since im from jersey. perfect.  😉

eekk! roxy just called me and there were all these guys (her friends) in the background saying how they think im hot and they want to F#&$ me. thats scary, cause i have to go to her house tomorrow,whenever im there i just get stared down. and they are always there. creepy creepy. phew this is going to be a trip.

anyway, ill tell you how fun that is tomorrow.


hey hey hey. he war is stuck in my head again. ha. thats pretty evident.

take care, and thank you to all my darling noters.


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Keep safe dear. They’re tasty but oh, so dangerous.

…and thank you, thank you for the music.

Hello hello dear. This is Kasey. Or Written Portraits, or whatever pseudonym you’d like to call me.

June 6, 2007

love chan aka cat power

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your notes. They make me smile wide. And to know your proud? That’s a huge thing for me. Thank you for making my day.

June 7, 2007

Phew! I did it! At 11.43pm (my time) I finally got through all your entries– I am now in your present present! See you tomorrow 🙂

June 7, 2007

Do na recognize the song Tis Interesting! Best Wishes on Everything!