theft without a trace

ahh, highschool. such a glorious place. i was lucky enough to be robbed today. in all seriousness, some darling little girls thought themselves clever to go through my purse in the locker room and steal all my money. every penny i had to my name was in my wallet. and they were kind enough to leave me a quarter. idiots. i wasnt the only one they stole from during my gym period either. ridiculous i swear. whos to say that money was not meant for something significant? a dollar has significance in my eyes, so losing my babysitting money.. that hit hard. i was so angry. ugh.


i just want some form of justification, its not right. lowlifes.

anyway, on a lighter note…this song saved me on my way home > > >



so pretty, something about it reminds me of interpol. which is a major plus for them. i love interpol more than the air i breathe on occassion. and im not going to lie, i still love blink one eighty two, and boxcar racer. i always will, guilty pleasure i suppose. 😉

my sleep patterns have been relatively out of wack as of recently. for instance, last night (or rather ‘earlier this morning’) i went to sleep at 4am, and awoke sometime before 6 am, so i was running on something like 2 hours. i came home and passed out today for 2 hours, and so here it is 10:19 pm and my eyelids are already getting heavy.

i would kick my own ass for that if i werent so tired.

oh, good news. my photographs of savannah are the front and back cover of Calliope, the literary arts magazine for my school. nothing big, but it made me happy. i entered several things along the lines of poetry and what have you, but the half-wits who decide what is what couldnt "understand" what my things were about, or if they believed they did it was bad and not school appropriate. so what if there was a poem about blowing coke, they all thought it was about someone in a coma or the hospital somehow. christ. people either light me up and make me glow, or numb me out, and make me sad, moreso for them than for myself having to deal with them.

but hey . . . ignorance is bliss right? so everyone can go on smiling it up in their oblivion.

christina and i colaborated on the board. her muffins were cute…



im through for the night i suppose.


sweet dreams dears.

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June 5, 2007

I’ve seen part of this music video before, but I’m very critical of music.. if the music intro is over a minute I no longer listen to it. That was when I had dial-up, now I listen to the whole song and I freaked out when I recognized the lead singer!!! He was the dude from blink and boxcar racer, right? At least he looks like it…

June 5, 2007

*random noter* ~ What is wrong with people?… you can’t leave stuff anywhere anymore! I’m sorry that had to happen to you… especially when your money that you’ve earned is taken for absolutely no reason… what jerks!

June 5, 2007

ah I am sorry about your money. I had that happen to me once, but they stole my cell phone and shoes and stuff too from the locker room. blah

I need a song to save me right now; my heart hurts so much I think I’m going to puke at any moment. The tears in my eyes are so thick, I can’t see straight. What song is there for that. Sometimes I just cannot be saved.

June 6, 2007

Muffins! Money Stealing Hoes! Cool Photos! =) Sucks about the $….i lost my wallet in HS…last day of gym ever…and in the bargian lost a fake id gift from an uncle and a special magnet from a woman i was sweet on the year before in a differnt state

June 6, 2007

In highschool I had the awful task of being on the editing commmitte for the lit mag. Some of the most amazing peices had to be left out because of politics and nitpicky rules. There was an absolutely amazing story that had half the room in tears and it couldn’t be published despite all of our fights with the administration because in their eyes it talked about suicide (I nearly got myself in someserious trouble because of how hard I fought for it). Sorry for the long way about it, but just wanted to say don’t let that invalidate your view of your work or its power or artfulness. Anyways. *hugs*

June 6, 2007

i like the muffins. they make me smile 😀 i’m sorry about your stolen money.. people suck sometimes. but think karma–it’ll nip ’em in the bud one day!