shipping up to boston

i love pissing off my neighbors. so what do i do? blast the Dropkick Murphys at obscene hours. im such a little brat sometimes. they’re nice people but i love being obnoxious and hearing them pound on the ceiling, its like they’re doing the irish jig to the Murphys… ahah and i love every second of it.


my favorite dropkick murphys song>>>


and its in the departed… an amazing film if you have yet to catch it. by all means please do. im irish so i love it that much more.


some quotes:

"Fuck you, fuckin’ queers. Firemen gettin’ pussy for the first time in the history of fire or pussy. Hey go save a kitten in a tree, you fucking homos. "

"You want some coke? There it is. Don’t move till you’re numb. "

"I’m gonna go have a smoke right now. You want a smoke? You don’t smoke, do ya, right? What are ya, one of those fitness freaks, huh? Go fuck yourself. "

"The point I’m making with John Lennon is – a man could look at anything, and make something out of it. For instance, I look at you and I think "what could I use you for?" "


and my personal favorite line>>>>

"I’m fucking Irish, I’ll deal with something being wrong for the rest of my life. "

no joke.. i am OBSESSED with this movie.

now go buy it.

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Ah yes, and some day when you have a raging migrane and you’re old enough to have a real job and you’re expected to be a responsible member of society who gets up at six am because reality sucks that way, you’ll have some sh*thead neighbor blaring their music or running power tools or otherwise being loud and rude at obscene hours of the night. When that happens – and you’re sleep deprived and generally miserable and contemplating bashing that loud, rude, smug little f*ckers head in with a rock – you’ll have little room to b*tch about it, seeing as you’re celebrating the way you’re so utterly obnoxious. Grow up.

June 4, 2007

0uch. killer. ^^^ didnt know it was that offensive.

June 4, 2007

F*ck that bitch that left the note. They are obviously some no balls having pussy that can’t leave their notes signed. They’re probably old and was picked on in school. Maybe even sodomized by an uncle or something, so of course they blame everything bad in their life on that very fact. Hey, Mr. or Mrs. Pussy. Grow up and stop leaving hate notes for no apparent reason because you were ass reamed by a priest, you f*cking waste of good air.

June 4, 2007

Icompletely and Utterly Agree with Everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Scary Part is The Movie is only half fictional *Shudders* Read the book The Brothers Bulger by one Howie Carr.

June 4, 2007

wow some people are so bitter. i love people who can’t sign their notes. anyway I haven’t seen the full movie. I started to watch it and my mom told me to turn the filth off. blah.

I should Warn Ye The Brothers Bulger Is A History Book. It Has None of the Excitement of the Movie But It Also Shows Why A Sequel Might Be In Order for this Movie The Dome at the end of the flick is Boston’s State Capitol Building. *Wayfaring_Stranger*

I hate people who don’t have the balls to leave their name so you can’t even reply. That’s why I have my OD set for signed notes only. If you have something to say, say it. But don’t be a fvcking pussy and run when it comes for the reply…

HAHA!! That is definitely a good movie, I love it as well. And I like this song, this band. I’ve heard of them before but never really paid attention. You bring new things into my life…or maybe it’s just that I’m paying attention now.

Hmm I didn’t read your notes before I posted mine. So now I have one in regards to the first “noter” who can’t figure out how to sign their name. I AM old enough to get up at 6am, hell I’ve had jobs where I had to get up at 4am. I have headaches daily and migraines quite often…no exaggeration. Yeah I’m tired and worn out and all the other whiney things this person complained about, but when

it comes down to it, it doesn’t matter how horrible a headache I have or how tired I am, my love of music prevails and I will probably start singing along with the neighbors who blast their music…provided that it’s actually not me doing it. So there!

June 5, 2007

hahah im gonna have to see it.. i like Snatch and Boondock Saints

June 11, 2007

ah, boston. how i love you. & your movies.