Weigh in day and family boat ride



 Weigh in today has been really good I lost 4 lbs!!! Yayy! I have modified my eating along with the working out and it helps that TOM is over.

Last night my family had a boat ride on the Ohio River it was like a riverboat cruise with upper deck outside lower deck inside we had food live music on the lower deck and a DJ on the upper deck and cash bars.

OMG it was soooo fun to kick it with family. We danced and sang with the Singers and danced and laughed and did alot of loud talking quite a few family members got incredibly drunk *smh* but it was cool.

I got home at 3AM  then had to get up at 7AM to take lexy to her GMC tennis tournament. We get there it’s freezing outside so I stay in the car. After being there for about an hour and she doesn’t play I tell her to ask the coach when she is going to play. He tells her she is not playing but that she needs to stay and watch the matches and support her team. 

Talk about heated ! I told her she had a decision to make. Either she was going to stay here with her team and find a ride home or she was going home I am NOT about to sit in the cold and watch other teams play knowing she isn’t playing and I’ve only had 4 hours of sleep! Minutes later she tells me a teammate will bring her home so I left.

went home went to sleep after uploading photos to Facebook and got up. She just walked in the house minutes ago. I want to know why she couldn’t play seeing as she is the ONLY player that couldn’t play. This was the last game of the season so I’m just glad it’s over.






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Nice that the family got together and a good time was had by all 🙂 Those times do not happen often enough. Congrats on your weight-loss dear! Doesn’t happen by itself does it?

October 2, 2011

Congrats on 4 pounds, woohoo! Keep up the great work! *hugs*

Congrats on the 4 lbs!