Concert was Awesome sauce!



 Yesterday I got a 2 hour intensive workout in went to the store bought a few accessories to go with the outfit I was going to wear to the concert then came home. Bought some wings then came home and watched college football. Put my hair in a rollerset stripped down to undies and sat under my hair dryer ate the wings and watched the games. I’m such a lady LOL!

Later we met up with the others that were going to the concert to perform hit the road and an hour and a half later were in Indianapolis at the Connection. This place had a sign on the door that said 18 & up and that rubbed me the wrong way. I’m thinking why the heck would a Christian venue have to be 18&UP?  I mean are they serving wine or something? Is this a night club I don’t get it…


I asked the owners of the Pharmacy about it and they couldn’t figure it out either they said they’d come to the connection before to check them out because there was no way they’d book us to come over here if they were not strictly pursuing God’s Glory and allowing the artists to minister in that way. They said they checked out pretty good they think its 18 and up to protect the recording equipment and things from kids messing it up but they do know that they have youth nights. I said okay because alot of the music that we even minister speaks to the younger generations so there is no need for that.

So we go in and the place is really nice stage is nice sound system is really good. All of the artists arrive we go to meet in a back room to pray and go over the line up and the connections rules and policies about how to perform.

I’m second on the line up as they want to let the singers go first then they break and have a minister go forth in ministering the word then from there the second half is the rappers.

I got up to sing and the first song was received really well. But my breathing and out of shape-ness is really making me mess up. I am not a singer that stands in one place. I like to dance and walk around and jump and I am very very high energy. The problem is my body and my vocals don’t seem to understand that LOL. The second song I sung was HORRIBLE. I mean like I was out of breath my voice keep breaking and sounding shaky it was pretty bad. I was thoroughly embarrassed and it was a packed house too. I got many compliments on my first song which is good but geez! Lesson learned I am hitting the gym HARD tomorrow. We got home at like  1:30. Stayed up until 3:00 watching the fight DVR’d while i surfed for music.

Gotta get in the studio to make 2 more songs before October 8th so that the CD will be ready for sale at the venue in Nashville, TN. I haven’t been able to get back into the studio because the guy that I am working with has a baby on the way anyday now and he is back in school fulltime so his schedule really doesn’t permit him the time we had anymore.  Last night i was explaining this to the Pharmacy owners and they pulled one of the rappers aside and asked him to work with me because he records also. He told me whenever I’m ready to get with him. I want to set something up for the day I get paid to bang out these 2 songs.

Today i didn’t wake up until 12PM. I was super tired. Chilled ALL day! I’m still in my PJ’s from yesterday lol.

Got up to surf somemore songs and there is a beat I’ve been flirting with all week long that I am thinking about purchasing for the 3rd song. As i was working on that I came across another track and as I was listening to the song God began to speak to me about last night. One of the reasons that the second song I’d sung last night didn’t go over well is because it was a song that I’d wrote when I was in the group that I was in. Mentally, Physically, spiritually I am not in that space anymore and that song just doesn’t work.

As I was listening to this beat God said the songs that you sing in this season are about YOU. I am doing a work in you and that is where your songs will come from. They will come from a place of experience and you will testify of my goodness. From that moment as I was listening to this song God gave me a format for it that I’ve never ever heard of done in a Gospel song. BLEW MY MIND!! So I purchased the song. Once I purchased the song I began to write it just as God described it and got so excited at the direction that God was leading me in I felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest. I mean WOW just WOW. I performed it for my husband and kids and they were absolutely blown away by it. I cannot wait to record and do this one live!!!!

The concert aside from my mishap with second song was AWESOME! I mean I would have  paid big money for a ticket to that concert it was so good! And the word was confirmed over and over throughout the night. There was an altar call and souls came in. It was absolutely awesome seriously! I’m excited about Oct. 8th.




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September 25, 2011

I’m glad the concert was good! Great job on the workout!

I didn’t realize that you wrote songs! That is very exciting. I’m glad the concert went well!

September 27, 2011

Glad you did well all in all. The audience probably wasn’t as critical of you as you did to yourself. Keep it up, SIS for his glory!

laughting at your lady status. I laid in bed this morning wishing I had make-up on but did I get up and do it? No. Don’t be hard on yourself you must have picked the wrong song for song #2. Next time do within your limit. lol You silly! I’ve done that in Karoake. I should find one of my better songs and offer it to you to sing and see what you would do with it. someday I’ll do that if you want.;)

I’m glad the concert went so well, it’s nice when we get recharged from ministry!