A bunch of crybabies (Biggest Loser) I Can’t




I said I wasn’t gonna watch because they cue  the violins every time someone is taking on the single shots. Super Dramatic and I hate how Bob and the Other trainers like to Reiterate the highest weight that the contestants weighed over and over ugh. I don’t know why but that irritates me to no end. But i decided I was going to watch it tonight. Hey new season maybe a new feel,  after all Jill is gone there are new trainers and blah blah blah.

I hated it. I have never seen so many grown men break down crying in one episode in all my life! Geez dude started crying on the scale before they even showed his weight. I’m all for sensitive men but that was clearly irritating.

On top of that my son got his butt whooped for losing his key to the house for the 3rd time and lying about it for almost a week. I found out he’s been leaving the back door unlocked to get it. And yes I administered every licking I don’t do liars and I don’t do putting this family in danger cause you wanna cover your butt. Hubby was even shocked cause I got in his butt. I don’t play that. And he’s on punishment.

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I’ve never watched the show. Well I’m sure your son has learned now hopefully, why not get a key fob? My eldest needs one and he is 27

September 20, 2011

I am cracking up at that last paragraph. You went old-school-big-mama-don’t-play on poor Little Q! but I’m not mad at ‘cha. I would have done the same thing! I am glad you are back here writing. I have missed your entries.

September 21, 2011

Lol. I enjoyed the show but I agree the crying was awkward – especially from the men, like, all of them. I hope those guys find their balls in that gym. lol