Swimming at the Y




Well since my son needed to get therapy on his knee and one of the suggestions from the dr was walking in the pool for exercise I went ahead and purchased a membership to the YMCA. Got a membership on Saturday as they were waiving registration. SCORE!! I’ve been working out since Saturday and I feel GREAT! Swam 4 laps in the pool and thought I was gonna die! Sheesh that is really hard to do LOL. I realized a lap is one swim down and back or else I would’ve called it 8 laps lol.

Swam Saturday,  Worked out on the treadmill Sunday (BTW I Absolutely LOVE the TV’s in the treadmill deal so cool),  And today I relaxed in the pool after walking the treadmill for 30 minutes and getting on the rowing machine for 5 minutes. I don;t think I did the rowing machine right though lol.

Does anyone else notice how ravishingly hungry you are after swimming?!?! Geez I was starving after relaxing in the pool today the kids were too.

Oh and I had yet Another hugging the ex dream. It was me comforting him after a loss of a friend no intimacy or feelings were felt in the dream at all just a consoling hug. And I am thinking back over this last week that is the 3 dream I’ve had hugging someone from my past. hmm back to the dream meditation.

To dream that you are hugging someone symbolizes your loving and caring nature. You are holding someone or something close to your heart. Alternatively, it may indicate your need to be more affectionate

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September 19, 2011

I definitely know how it feels to be hungry after swimming. I swam for my High School for 3 years and after every practice (which was 3-4 hours long) I always wanted McDonalds… Not the best thing in the world, but it definitely tasted great after a mouth full of chlorine. BTW… after swimming for weeks on end, your skin starts to smell like chlorine, and you sweat chlorine..

Yooper is right, you will smell like Chlorine if you swim regularly. I do so I have to hand it to G he has never said one word about how I smell, one way or another. He has never said anything about perfume either. I could barely do half a lap when I first started. Out of breath, tired my arms. Within a couple weeks it changes drastically!.Keep up the good work and yeah the appetite is there.

September 20, 2011

I wish I had a place to go swimming. Such good exercise and I loooove being in the water. Congrats on the membership to the Y!

September 20, 2011

Haven’t swam in ages. Lost interest, I guess or just don’t feel like being in a swimming suit after all those years. Thanks for sharing about your dream and its interpretation. I have had similar dreams, too. Interesting stuff.

ryn: don’t know what my hours are for Saturday yet, I’ll look when I get to work. If I can make it (soon as you find where it is) haha I’ll let ya know.

I wish I knew how to swim, lol never learned