Glad to be home

I threw a birthday party for my son yesterday. We got a hotel room with a swimming pool and I had my son invite about 6-8 friends. We bought pizzas cake and ice cream, let them swim play video games and shipped them off the next day. I love doing this  because I don’t have to clean up after anyone they get to swim play and partyt til they drop then go home lol.

It was nice. I actually swam with the boys last night. I haven’t went swimming in about 2-3 years. But I’d brought a very comfortable covering swimsuit and my son actually Asked me to swim with them which I was pretty surprised at. I had them racing and doing hand stands and flips in the water and all that good stuff. Raced a few times myself. I attempted a back hand in the water as we used to do when younger and caught a charlie horse in not one but both of my calves. WOW that was painful LOL. I got a chance to shake them off but man I really realized how tiring and how much work swimming is. I went walking yesterday morning as well so I was pretty spent and getting in some good cardio.
Also the boys stayed up with hubby until about 4AM joking giggling and doing things boys do lol. So when we got home today I put on my PJ’s turned on a movie and fell asleep. I woke up realized I was sleep on the couch so I went to the bed and slept for 6-7 hours. Man I was pooped. I can still feel all the working out as I am a little sore in my hips but I’m cool. I just keep telling myself pain is just weakness leaving the body lol. I saw that slogan somewhere.

I have a bootcamp workout tomorrow my last of the 8 week session so I hope it goes well. I’m contemplating signing up for another 8 weeks but I don’t have the money to do so right now. But it is so worth it to do this……

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wow, your in boot camp? That is a feat in itself, congrats for doing it. Oh fun birthday party! lucky boy!

February 21, 2011

I heard that in the Marines. Pool party? Now that’s an idea… But you have to explain something to me…a private pool? If so, I’ll have to look for a deal like that. Is a charlie horse the same as cramps? Both kegs, sounds scary. I can’t remember the last time I swam..wait, I know it was in the 80’s…a couple guys threw me in with my clothes

February 22, 2011

Sounds like a memorable party that you son will always cherish. Haven’t swam in like forever. Have to get rid of my inhibition for the sake of exercise.

Sounds like a great time. Pool parties were always fun when I was a kid.

what a fun way to celebrate a birthday!