Imma try this again




Hello there fellow ODers

updates on me. I apologize but I really haven’t been in the writing mood at all for the last 6 months but  I do come in from time to time and read you all. I thought I’d give you and update on me since Im so scarce lately. so here goes:

  • Don;t know if I told you guys but I found Biodad. We talked over the summer and he has expressed that he wants to be a part of my daughters life. He wanted to take a DNA test to be sure. No biggie for me I had no problem with that. They took the test Nov. 1st results came back positive and they met for the first time! It was a really big deal and they both were nervous but both said it to me as soon as they met that the resemblance was just WAY too close. He has 3 other kids meaning she now has a whole new family that she is going to get to know. After the test came back he states that he wants to talk that through with his family then he’d take some time to meet her and get to know her. So this whole situation has turned out VERY well. So thankful to God for that. 
  • Church well I haven’t joined a church since all the fiasco I posted a while back. God has me in a state of Rest and has confirmed it dozens of times when I get that "I gotta do something or join somebody’s church" itch. Learning to rest is very hard when all your used to doing is working. i am learning HIM in a whole new way. All my barriers of religion that even I who thought never to be a religious person actually was pretty religious in God’s eyes and I’m thankful for this time in my life. It is a VERY lonely time in my life but I appreciate the journey. I have 3 churches that I frequent but as far as joining I have no desire to join a church right now. And amazingly enough NOW i get more people calling me, stopping me on the street,  and sending me messages asking about helping them to study their bible,  or teaching them about worship. I did not get this much attention even in church. So i know God is working VERY outside of the box with me right now.
  • ROG is still going strong. We are singing and it’s just the 3 of us plus one sister that helps out when she can but she is not joining the group.
  • I’m so excited to report that I found an IHOP (internation House of Prayer) in my city. It is called CHOP (Cincinnati House of Prayer). Went for the first time last week and it was AWESOME i have been YEARNING to go back but my schedule has not permitted it. Soon and very soon though.
  • Work has been a lil interesting to say the least. I love my job. I mean I really really LOVE my job but we just found out that our jobs were sold to a large conglomerate that we had a large account with. Basically they want to become self sufficient instead of using 3rd party providers and so they talked to our CEO and he sold our jobs to them . So we are still working in the same place but we are getting paid by the customer and becoming the customer they are buying a building in the area and will be moving us into it and then we will no longer be anywhere near the old employer. This is saddening to me because I really loved our old employer and the CEO he was so tangible! People around here are going nuts about it trying to find ways to jump ship and everything but I’ve been cool. Its funny because last week at the IHOP as I was praying I had a vision of this happening and it didnt hit me until the actual moment that it happened HA! It doesn’t pay to be spiritually slow lol.

Well i think that’s all. Aside from the usual financial woes everything else is cool. That;s where I been in a nutshell. Love you guys for your eyes and ears. Have a great day!

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:




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Hey Doneta Baby! Glad your back and good to catch up on you a bit too! I’m so glad you like your job. How many people can actually say that? I hope the new move will be agreeable. That is great you are willing to travel with God. That is what the Disciples did. have legs, will travel. Hey it is good Lexi has more family. It takes many people to get one child raised now the more the more helpful!

I still need to hear Rog. Thanks for your note telling me that that is normal for a household. that helps.

November 17, 2010

Hey sis! I’ve been missing you! Man God is just awesome. Thats all Imma say lol. Love ya girl and hope to hear from you more often!

November 18, 2010

Sis, glad you updated here. I did read you in FB and left a few notes but ya know I don’t really spend my time there. Glad you are basically doing fine.

November 18, 2010

Hey @moon we are recording our first single this week and I will have it posted soon and very soon I promise. It’s a song I wrote called Everything a worship song. @new beginnings thank you for the Love and I promise to right more.@sweet thank you for your love I appreciate that.

I’m glad Lexy meet her Biodad went well.

Well, I’ve been looking for ya!