



Geezlepete’s what a whirlwind my life seems to take! I forgot how much of an outlet writing is. I swear I really do hate writing but sometimes I feel like if I keep all of this stuff in my head it’s going to explode! LOL.

So I found out yesterday that the 2 remaining girls on the intercessory prayer team has quit. One due to her lack of committment to ministry and getting tangled in some personal things of her own that would bring reproach upon the church,  the other has quit because she has too much going on in her life and needs to get a handle on things before she can put forth that 100% effort. i respect that. So now it’s only me that will be doing intercessory prayer for the church. That’s cool it just lets me know I have to step my game up. I can handle that.

I been slipping personally on a few things but in the midst of doing so God is revealing somethings to me that are seriously blowing my mind. Message yesterday was on point and during praise and Worship the Lord gave me a new song thank you Jesus! As soon as I stopped singing I completely forgot everything that I’d just sung lol. But I woke up this morning with the melody in my head and the words came back instantly. i wrote them down.

Yeah so the famous person that we met that was thinking about working with us got a chance to hear us live in concert and has now proposed to do a demo with us that he wants to produce for a mere $4000.00. HAHA! who in the heck has that kinda of money to pay him to produce and get paid off of our blood sweat and tears and we have to pay for it. No thanks I can do without it LOL. One of the girls was talking about fasting and praying about it. I said, " what is there to fast and pray about?" This man had an ulterior motive from the start and we all knew this. No thank you. I can do bad all by myself I don’t need nobody turning me into a puppet LOL.

Van broke down over the weekend the rim broke on it and now we have to pay 700.00 to get it fixed. Hopefully it is fixed by Monday. There is more to the one car deal that is going on with us but I can’t go into it. God is trying to teach us something and I know exactly what it is  but It’s for my hubby to understand as well.

So this is the prophetic word that I received this morning:

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns — February 8, 2010
It is important in this season, My children, that you believe; that you come to a place of faith in My word and in My promises, and that you put all unbelief out.  For your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and unbelief should not be found in your house.  Your house belongs to Me, and I bring the power of faith to bear in your life.  Therefore, I say again, defeat all unbelief.  Make it your life’s work in this season that you will not allow it to question My word or to overshadow and steal My promises.  I say believe, for all things are possible to the one who believes.  All things may be received by the one who believes.  Be that one in this season; one with Me.   And, may it be said in your heart that I no longer live by the measurement of my own faith, but I now live by the faith of the Son of God, who has given Himself for me.

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — February 8, 2010:
Now is the time when you can realize breakthrough and move forward in My purposes, for I am causing you to deal with your own heart and rise above the flesh into the Spirit where liberty abounds. Release yourself from everything — every thought, every emotion and every decision that has been in opposition to My name, says the Lord. Then, you will find the bondages broken and the chains of restriction removed so that you can flee from the prison of your own making.
Psalms 107:14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their chains in pieces.

Straight to the point and addressing everything that I need at this point.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



<img border="0" src="http://www.profileplaylist.net/mc/images/get_black.jpg” alt=”” />

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February 8, 2010

Hi, sis, members leaving is nothing new to me. In my experience, the Lord just sends replacement. Praise the Lord for your faithfullness.

The lone intercessor? That seems odd. I’m sure others are praying just not on a team. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are always intercessing for us thank goodness ! Hope your day if fab!

February 8, 2010

let me rephrase that. I am the only person that is a part of the intercessory team that is praying for the church all other members have dropped from the team. I’m sure there are others praying but it’s good to have that moral and visual support as well. But I know God knows best.

That’s funny I didn’t mean it so technically. ooofdah!