Breathe in Breath out




Whew what a journey this has been. IF I had words to really explain everything I really would. But it’s just so much man.

So I’m going to  try and do a brief summary of life to kinda give you a feel of what I’ve been going through lately:

  • October– I was assigned to train the prophetic team in my church. Given the title of House Prophet and Prophetic team leader. I felt it was done not because of the gift and the office that God has given me but because of my faithfulness to the house. Very uncertain about what to do. Had a meeting with my pastor and asked him point blank if that was the case. He said that he sees my faithfulness but God has assured him that I was to be the Prophetic Team leader so he did pray about giving me that title. 
  • Novemeber – Still struggling with this. Feeling like I cannot lead people to a place that I’ve never been. Heck I’m still a baby in this prophetic course and I feel as if I have no guidance on exactly what to do. It was prophesied to me that around this time of my life I was change completely hmm. When’s it coming?
  • December – Divine encounter during the process of uncertainty. God sends a woman in my path that is a TRUE WALKING PROPHET. Met through Facebook of all places commenting on a friends status. The common friend is a prophet and she had been reminiscing over some things that I’d longed for. I commented and she  (the prophetess) Commented and read me like an open book. I sent her  a friend request and then she emailed me and we talked over a 24 hour period. She revealed to me my innermost conversations with God that NO ONE knew about. The next day I got to work and she called me. She broke some things down for me about me to the point  that I cried for nearly the whole 45 minutes that I talked to her. And clear as day I heard the Lord tell me to leave where I was standing and go to her. I told her I know you may think this is crazy but this is what the Lord told me. I relayed it and she burst out laughing and said, " You must not have read your email this morning" She’d sent me an email saying that we should meet that day. So I left work and went to her house. I couldn’t even keep it together long enough to tell my boss I had to leave for personal reasons. Ate off of her floor (spiritual) and went there spiritually got up and she fed me some really good info and pointed in me in the direction of some really great prophetic resources, I have been  taking equipping classes. 
  • January – in the midst of figuring the whole process out God took me on a journey to find me. I had an experience where I erupted like a volcano. The weight of trying to be everything to everybody took it’s toll and I exploded. I saw a part of me that I had long ago buried rise up in power. It was ugly. Very ugly. And it took coming to a head to see that I needed to release the weight of my past all titles,  positions,  parts and backbone roles that I had to play in life. i had to regroup and strip myself down bare to find me JUST as God has called me out to be.
  • Towards the end of January I went on a fast. I set limitations for myself. I cut myself off from the world and tried to be still and Hear God’s voice and in the beginning it was powerful. 2nd week I lost focus,  I broke my fast and it was prophesied to me that I’d have a test come my way to try and get me to dishonor God. Welp,  it came and I ALMOST fell for it. Until God opened my eyes and caused me to see him more clearly. Sunday was a powerful service after that revelation I’ll say.
  • February –  Got a Word from the Lord about leaving my Job and that he was going to take care of all my needs soon. This was after at a concert having someone walk up to me and tell me that I was getting ready to travel. I have been on a journey and to get ready to travel THIS year. Called my divine appt friend and talked to her about it and she tells me that God is taking me to a realm of total trust and dependance. i haven;t been trusting him to my full potential and my faith is not yet there but he is about to take me there. Oh LORD

So through all of this. Today i have learned something very profound that I never realized it before. There are those that have a prophetic gift and then there are those that are office prophets. i have met 2 office prophets in my life. The eat breathe smell prophetic word. It is not even possible to carry on a conversation with them without them seeing into your soul and giving prophetic word as God so desires. one of these two people are dead. The one I talked about a little while ago died on the spot. Getting ready to preach an evening service. no complications,  no health  causes for her death,  nothing. They said she died midstep going to knock on her pastors door while preparing to preach. She was walking down the hall and dropped and when they found her there was a smile etched on her face. Make me think of Enoch that walked so close to God that God just took him up and his death has not yet been recorded!  Everytime I would come in contact with her conversation was scary. She’d say things that would pierce you to the soul secrets that NO One could or would know. And her conversation was ALWAYS LIKE THAT! few in words but when she spoke she could tear a place up lol! Will my divine encounter lady is the EXACT same way. God has revealed to me that I am about to be like that but I have to trust him to take me there. Whew yall pray for me because I can see that my desires and ambitions will be a thing of the past as I become what HE wants me to be. I think I am coming to grips with this now. I have to learn total trust. I can feel the change and I can also feel the birthing of the prophetic in my life and this is why I have in my FB status that I am changing and I can feel it. As soon as I see Daylight I will  bust through like a running back on a play trying to get a first down. My birth is coming forth. 

And amazingly through it all I almost feel like I’m getting saved all over again. Kingdom mentality is replacing that old religious mindset. Thank you Jesus.

Okay so I said I wouldn’t post a book and I did it anyway well if you read it then you know me I thank you for your eyes lol.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I like those Kingdom thoughts. yes you’re on a journey and it’s exciting!

February 5, 2010


February 5, 2010

Sis, I feel uplifted when I read this. Reminds me of the saying that God doesn’t call the qualified but he qualifies the called. I do relate to your story as I have gone through something similar. Being called to do something that I have “no qualification” and over the years, the Lord has sent “helpers” on my way to enable me to do what I have been called to do. Praise the Lord for that. <br> Sis, am so excited over what the Lord is doing in your life.