Points of an intercessor




Okay I’ve been reading this book called Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman Grubb. Wow what an Awesome Book!!!! And so much of it rings true on a personal level as i go through much of what he’s wrote about this man. And i think to myself Lord if you set me apart to accomplish even HALF of what this man accomplished I know I will have a GREAT reward in Heaven and down here on earth as I live this thing. I want to review and post some excerpts that really reached out and touched me in this book. Please see below. This man actually housed Haile Selaassie III, prayed and interceded for Israel to become a nation in 1947, and well as the invasion on normandy directly interceding against Hitler and living completely and wholly on faith. This man and his ministry was AWESOME! On to the excerpts:

Chapter 12 What is  an intercessor (excerpt):
Perhaps believers in general have regarded intercession as just some form of rather intensified prayer. It is, so long as there is great emphasis on the word "intensified"; for there are 3 things to be seen in an intercessor which are not necessarily found in a ordinary prayer: identification, agony, and authority.

Identification is thus the 1st law of the intercessor. He pleads effectively because he gives his life for those he pleads for; he is their genuine representative; he has submerged his self-interest in their needs and sufferings, and as far as possibly has literally taken their place (truth!)

But before the Holy Ghost can lead a chosen vessel into such a life of intercession, He first has to deal to the bottom with all that is natural. Love of money, personal ambition, natural affection for parents and loved ones, the appetites of the body, the love of life itself,  all that makes even a converted man live unto himself, for his own comfort or advantage,  for his own advancement,  even for his own circle of friends,  has to go to the cross. It is no theoretical death but a real crucifixion with Christ,  such as only the Holy Ghost  Himself can make actual in the experience of His servant. Both as crisis and process, Paul’s testimony must be made ours, ‘I have been and still am crucified with Christ.’ The self must be released from itself to become and agent of the Holy Ghost. As crucifixion proceeds,  intercession begins.

This is intercession in action. When the Holy Ghost really lives His life in a chosen vessel there is no limit to the extremes to which He will take him in His passion to warn and save the lost. Isaiah, the aristocrat had to go "naked and barefooted" for three years as a warning to Israel. We can hardly credit such a thing! Hosea had to marry a harlot,  to show his people that the heavenly Husband was willing to take back his adulterous bride. Jeremiah was not allow to marry,  as a warning to Israel against the terrors and tragedies of captivity. Ezekiel was not allowed to shed one tear for the death of his wife " the desire of his eyes" And so the list might be continued. Every greatly used instrument of God has been, in his measure, and intercessor: Wesley for backsliding England;  Booth for the down-and-outs;  Hudson Taylor for China; C.T. Studd for the unevangelized world. 

But intercession is more than the Spirit sharing His groanings with us and living His life of sacrifice for the world through us. It is the Spirit gaining His ends of abundant grace. If the intercessor knows identification and agony, he also knows authority. It is the law of the corn of wheat and the harvest: " If it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."

Mr Howells would often speak of the " the gained position of intercession" (my term has always been exhausting the flesh,  the Holy spirit’s term TO ME has always been ‘going into the bowels of intercession’), and the truth of it is obvious on many occasions in his life. It is a fact of experience. the price is paid, the obedience is fulfilled, the inner wrestlings and groanings take their full course, and then "the Word of the Lord comes." The weak channel is clothed with authority by the Holy Ghost and can speak the Word of deliverance. "Greater Works" are done. Not only this,  but a new position in grace can only be appropriated and applied to each instance after guidance of the Spirit.

Okay I’ll stop there lol. I feel if I go any farther I might lose you unless you have this burden on your life as a calling lol. To be basic about this, I love the way it is broken down and when I take the time to measure my life up to what the Word tells me, what the Holy Spirit tells me and What these informational books tell me I know that I have a great burden on my life walking in God’s will as an intercessor and a prophetess but that I am on the right track to fulfilling my purpose. I have been through many of my own tests in life but I have yet to wonder " what’s next?". Regardless I will continue to stand on the battlefield as a warrior in the Army of the Lord. Some friends of mines on FB and on OD always ask for material and insight to a lot of what I teach on intercessory prayer so I thought I’d give a tidbit for you. 

The most important thing that i can ever stress to an intercessor that is called and walks this walk in faith is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead in your prayers. If you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you will never pray OUT of the will of God. Because He is One the Holy Spirit will always give you guidance on what direction to go. You must first repent and exhaust your flesh (that means worship God and get your mind off of these earthly situations,  and circumstances. This is your time to give God the glory until you have exhausted your mind from all things of this earth and are solely focused on God) this can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes to hours depending on what you have been feeding into your spirit man ie. eyegate, eargate, thoughts,  concerns,  and people. Once you are past all of this you can then quiet your spirit and hear the Lord clearly and what he will direct you to intercede about. He may just want to talk to you but whatever the case may be you will only receive from Him when you move SELF out of the way.

Well I will stop here but I did want to give a nice little bit of excerpt from this book and I reccomend that anyone that takes this ministry seriously and knows that God has called them out to be an intercessor for the Body, the World,  the Nations or any of the sorts MUST get this book! Now don’t get me wrong EVERY christian is called to be an intercessor in that we always keep each other lifted in prayer and it is a part of the conversion to the Body of Christ. But there are those that are specifically called out for intercession and those that are must never forget the Chief intercessor of our souls that goes to His Father on behalf of the us and mediates as he sits at the rightside of the Throne. <br


With all of this said. I hope i have shared something that would edify your souls and give God the Glory. Be well and be blessed.

Thanks Prophetess Doneta "Nikki" Dawson

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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October 1, 2009

~chuckles~ You’re not gifted with intercession are you? All us feeling types tend to be very blessed with that empathy…and just think we’re too emotional…b/c the enemy hand us that accusation. Instead we should be on the look out for those who are intuned with those emotions and feel deeply….b/c likely….they are intercessors and that gift is just waiting to come out 🙂

RYN: I may give dude a call, I needed a few days to even think about and pray about it. For some reason I’ve been “feeling like” calling him, but never actually get around to it. Not gonna take that as some kind of meaning, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to call, but as with the beginning of any relationship, I will be more cautious this time around. I think he’s harmless, just don’t know how to takeNO for an answer lol

October 6, 2009

Thanks so much sis, for this entry. It caught my attention all the way down as you know I am also in this line. Letting the Holy Spirit lead our intercession is such an awesome experience. Glory to God. ryn: thanks for the thoughts on Mary vs Martha.

RYN: yeah it was, but it was interesting enough for me to do haha

October 22, 2009

Thanks for this entry. I like Norman Grubb and others like Him, Watchman Nee for example. So much so deep truth.

HEY, WHERE YOU BEEN? COME BACK! this book sounds fantastic!