Man it’s been a while




Geesh it’s been a while since I’ve come in here and updated.

Alot has been going on.  At work busyness has been taken to a whole new level. We have so many new accounts and my counter staff is increasing but ours is not. Which means more work for us. I’m not complaining though.
Our new boss is a stickler about documentation training and eliminating the Mouda (excess). He’s a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt that has managed service for over 27 years so he is definitely getting us into shape professionally. And BOY did we need it. Because we are a baby company some our processes are just so redundant or vague and there is no middle ground. He’s been streamlining the projects and it seems to be coming along pretty well. Some don’t like his tactics but we can all see the benefits of what he is trying to do so it seems to be working out. Me, i document everything so all of the managers love me. But that’s just a habit that  I’ve picked up over the years to CYB (cover your butt). His goal for customers is to underpromise and to overdeliver to get the trust of our customers and get rave reviews and leads for more sales opportunities. I love it. One term that the new boss always uses for me is :

"Nikki you don’t have to keep your nose to the grindstone all the time" he even used this in a power point slide in one of our meetings. And I kept thinking,  I hope that’s a compliment LOL. I had no idea what that meant and I didn’t want to show my lack of knowledge on the matter by asking, so me being the nerd that I am looked the term up to find out what the heck that means.  It actually means to Apply yourself conscientiously to your work or to continue to work very hard, without stopping. Hey, I’ll take that lol.

Got a vision from the Lord the other day that scared the mess outta me. I’ve complained to God, "as soon as I get comfortable and confident in myself you go and mess me up all over again!" The vision has not come to pass but it is coming soon I know it. I knew it was God that revealed it to me. I see this and I know that it’s going to be a hard thing to do. I’m torn but I will get over myself and when the time comes it will happen whether I want it to or not lol.

Now on to the good news! This weekend is my Birthday WOOT! I’ve never been so excited about turning 31. I think it was dreading becoming 30. But I am so totally over myself and loving this new me. i took Tomorrow and Monday off of work. I’ve organized a shut in tomorrow night at our church and Sunday morning we’re going to have church outside. I mean like literally moving the service outdoors. We’ll have chairs set up in the parking lot,  speakers and the podium will be outside,  sunday school will be outside. i am soooo excited! What an awesome birthday present! I mean it’s not done on my account or anything but I figure what better way to spend your birthday than by doing what you love (worshipping God and encouraging others) out of the box? One day in service the pastor was preaching and he just paused…. he said " God has just impressed upon me that we are going to have church outside!" If the souls don’t come to us we’ll come to them. Sometimes ppl just have problems coming into those doors of the church so we’re gonna make it easier for them to enter the kingdom. We’ll take it to them! I love that concept! So we’ll try it this Sunday see how it fares and then He may do it more often but not all the time. God gave me the idea for the shut in for the souls that were coming in and for us as the body to be focused on our fathers business. So tomorrow I plan on sleeping in and hanging with the kids,  later that night we’ll head out to the shut in. Then Saturday I’ll sleep as late as I want and then we have a writing party for ROG (jam session) that will be SOOOOO much fun!  And then Sunday we’ll have church outside,  and on monday I plan on being a bum and sleeping all day and enjoying the family lol. Can’t afford a trip out of town this year with both cars acting up and one completely out of commissioned so we’re yet again sharing the van,  and actually this time he HAS to get rid of the car we’ve spent WAY too much money trying to get it fixed then something else will go down. I don’t know if I’m quite ready for the rollercoaster ride of sharing a car with my DH (he can really irk my nerves sometimes) but we have to do what we have to do.

okay I think that’s it for now. If and when I have more I’ll get back with you. Love ya!

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I’m glad work is going well but sorry your having car trouble.


July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday…. again!

July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday woman of God.

July 26, 2009

So how did the open air service go? This is Termi