Track, school, ministry, and other stuff




Before I ramble just had to mention a prophetic dream that I had this morning. Wow God is so amazing! I have a coworker that was diagnosed with cancer about 3 months back but they couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from. She thought it was Gallstones at first but then she kept being admitted to the hospital. They did some testing and found out that is was cancer but still couldn’t pinpoint where. I called her one day and we talked and God had a Word for her. I gave her the Word and she held fast to it. We prayed about it and left it in his hands. Well she has been out of work for about 2 months for testing and such(she refused Chemo). Well a month ago we got the report that she is in remission and that they can no longer find the cancer!!!! I was sooo excited for her. Well after all of the testing she had to recoup before she could come back to work. So we didn’t know when she was coming back but she said she would try to come back. Honest to Goodness truth,  This morning I had a dream that I came to work and that she was sitting next to me working! I told her " I’m so glad that you made it back out!" We talked and laughed and blah blah blah. Then we had a companywide meeting with the owner of the company. There were some new interns that were coming into the company and in the midst of the meeting the owner asked me to get up and present on something and I had no knowledge of what he wanted me to present. I got up to present and went to a machine that showed the presentation but I couldn’t get the next slide to come up. All of a sudden the screen turmed into slides from a football game and the owners son was on the sidelines cheering. By this time he’d went to unplug the machine and all i remember is him telling me to " TURN,  THAT,  THING, OFF!!!" We turned it off then I walked down the hall and i noticed the interns were talking loud and playing around like kids and I woke up i prayed for God to not let me get caught out there like that. Now remember this was a dream

Check this out. I get to work today and guess who’s standing in the cafeteria being greeted by everyone cause they haven’t seen her in a long time?!?! My coworker that was sick with cancer!!!!! Then as soon as I sit down I notice that we have visitors from out of town and presentations left and right in the company,  and one of the presenters is off today because her daughter is giving birth and she normally presents on something that I do behind the scenes!!!!! I’ve had to sit on a couple of calls and do some firefighting  and my day has been pretty action packed. I now know that the dream was prophetic in nature and that i may have to present something that I know nothing about. Lord help me! LOL

Okay on to life

Quincy’s in track now and I know I can’t do as much traveling to the out of town meets so he will have to buddy up with a partner for a few meets. Lexy has a cheerleading tryout next week and has recently picked up the habit of telling me about things at the very LAST minute. I wonder if this a teenager thing cause it’sdriving me nuts! My dad said I do the same thing to him,  AND she has hijacked my purses,  earrings and lipgloss. Lord have mercy. I bought her all of this stuff of her own yet she constantly uses MY stuff!

I’m opening up the doors to the intercessory team for new members and boy have I got my hands full on that one. We shall see how this one turns out. It’s very structured so that’s not the problem. I think we may have some personality conflicts going on here with a couple of ppl but we’ll make it.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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God is good!!!

That is great the coworker is back and what a dream come true huh? I used to always wear my mom’s clothes. Hang in there. I’ll pray for your kid’s to be encouraged in their activities : )

Wow, that is a dream come true.

We always thank God when something miraculous happens but you never seem to blame him when the shit goes down. Odd.

May 15, 2009

Normally a comment like that would be a good comeback to whatever your little tirade is about but honestly you are no more than a faceless nameless coward that doesn’t have the guts the “blame” God for your mishaps in life so do me the favor of keeping your asinine comments to yourself.

May 15, 2009

Oh BTW whether it be a miracle or the crap hitting the ceiling I never fail to give God the praise for being God alone. The last time I checked the Word of God says that ALL things work TOGETHER for them that love God and are called according to his purpose. Rom. 8:28 So it’s not always about BLAMING God but whether in good or bad times it’s all a part of his plan for our lives and it ALWAYS wrks

May 15, 2009

It’s so amazing about the dream. Telling things the last moment. It happens all the time around here not just teenagers. LOL.

May 15, 2009

That is an awesome dream 🙂 Take it as a complement she uses your stuff, I wouldn’t touch my mother’s cuz’ it was so frumpy looking 😉 LOL!

Seven Pounds was really different and I don’t recall one being made like it. Will Smith never looked healthy in it and I didn’t know if it was intentional or not. I would reccommend it just for putting your foot in another person’s shoe.

May 18, 2009

RYN: LOL! Thanks for the love Nikki 🙂 ((BIG HUGS))

May 22, 2009

Good report. Things are moving on…