still moving along




No I’m not taking a praise break termi LOL

i just haven’t had a chance to write in here. Life is moving along and I’m doing pretty good. a little under the weather right now. Had a sore throat that turned into a cold,  which then turned into a hoarse Voice and I am now coping with dealing with this cold and working on top of working out and becoming a clean person.

i’m trying to break the procrastination habits within me on ceratin choice subject by " just getting it over with". This is proving to be very fruitful for me. Like yesterday. Normally i’d cook a huge Sunday dinner and then eat and relax and probably would not wash all of the dishes until next day or 2 days later or just have the kids wash because I’ve exhausted myself all day with working in church. Well last night I looked at the piled of dishes and could take no more. I began to clean with with mentality " Just get it over with you won’t have to do it later". I’ve been doing that with a few projects at work as well and it’s proving to really help me.

OH OH Good news. Lexy got accepted into the Concert Orchestra in her school for next year. There are two types of Orchestra for the school. Basic Orchestra and band and then Concert Orchestra which is suited for the more skilled and better teachable students. The students have to try out for the orchestra and when they get in they have  specified time before school starts that they gather together for Concert orchestra to practice and they travel to different venues and play. I am soooo excited for her!!! She is excited as well. Seeing as how this is her first year ever playing an instrument and the dedication and practice that she put behind it I am sooo proud of her. I had to force her to go to the tryouts. She kept procrastinating saying that she didn’t think she was ready but tryouts were almost over. I told her to be like NIKE and just do it! I’ve heard her practice and she’s gotten WAYYYY better (she went from sounding like she was strangling a cat to more solid and fluid notes and changes lol). She is going to have to work on her posture when she plays but other than that I think if she really wants to get serious and keep doing it she will go far and love it. I told her we’re going to go catch a couple of Symphony concertsor a ballet showing  if she wants to get a live experience of the orchestra accompaniment. She is excited and wants to. I missed the deadline to apply for her to get a scholarship for private lessons (DOH!) but I will apply again next school year. The high school that she goes to has a very good music program. I was in concert choir in school when I went there and I also participated in Acapella choir high school and got vocal lessons. It has definitely helped me in my music training. I’m really excited for her.

Well aside from me nursing myself back to health and lexy’s news Lil Quincy starts track up again this year they have their first track meet on May 9th. Got a couple of meets in columbus and one in Lima,  Oh.  Too bad i don’t have any faves there we’d visit while in town. Tameca we will try to get back up to cleveland this year though.

ok I think that’s it. Thanks guys


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April 20, 2009

Oh thats great!! Congrats to her!! She’ll go far!! I used to play the viola and its not easy!! Im proud of her too!!

April 20, 2009

Congrats to Lexy! You know I’m partial to orchestra kids!

that is awesome girlie, congrats to lexit hehe

Glad things are going well. With doing wedding stuff my house suffered the last few weeks but I put some time in it this weekend so it’s better. Sure does get out of hand quickly huh? I just spent too much at Walgreens. When does it ever end? Great to hear about Lexi! I’m excited for you all and track will be sweet too.

Way to Go, Lexy!!!!

April 26, 2009

Lexy is getting to be a stunning grown up girl! Like mom like daughter! So happy for her.

April 30, 2009

Wow, she is a mini-me of you isn’t she 🙂 Gorgeous 😀