Look Good, Feel Good, Feel Good, Take on the world

I feel good today. It’s dreary outside but guess what. I put on my Golden Print sunny skirt and White Camisole and my brown sweater shirt with some Cheetah print flip flops. Thank God Big Q’s car FINALLY got fixed. That means I actually didn’t have to rush to get dressed today yippee. I went walking this morning. had a nice breakfast and I curled my hair. Put my makeup on and looked in the mirror and said "Girl you are looking GOOD today!"

I took some pictures I was so happy. But truthfully I just feel good. No special reason besides being able to wakeup and face the Day. I know that God gave me the opportunity and before I had a chance to let all the negative thoughts and affirmations come through I cancelled it out with Praise and Fabulousness lol.

I told myself " Today your going to change the world."

Don’t know what has come over me beside faith really lol. Because if I really looked at the facts i would be sad. If I really looked at my workload I would be stressed. If I really looked at the finances I would be frustrated. But instead I CHOSE to take on the World. Show the Love of God through Fabulousness and Praise.

So I say unto you Rejoice,  and I again I say Rejoice!!! What a wonderful day that the Lord has made. I just Praise God for being God and no other reason. Oh and I found a DANCEHALL GOSPEL RADIO station!!!! YAY! I love it! I guess that you have to be a real reggae fan to understand it but here is the link to it: http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/mini.cgi?station_name=eiradionetworks&tm=5143&from=rma

Okay ppls hope you have a wonderful day I have the pics from this morning posted below: 



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Yeah, your looking good! and I’m glad your feeling it. I love that “Today you are going to change the world”.

March 26, 2009

Hey gorgeous 🙂 Glad you have 2 cars now 😀

You are beautiful! Yay for a happy day.

you’re a purty lady

March 29, 2009

Your smile is contageous!!!

March 30, 2009

You look like you are having such a good time. Rejoice indeed.

April 1, 2009

It’s good to feel good. ryn: Looks like we gonna keep all the kitties. Couldn’t bear the thought of sending them to the streets.