Man there’s alot going on.


Oh Wow to talk about all that’s been going on would just exhaust me. But I instead I’ve just been encouraging myself in the Word of God.

I have some things that I am working on personally and I have a few goals.

  • Get a care package together for my little cousin Faith. (Just found out that my 36 yr old uncles ex-wife committed suicide. Faith and Lexy are 3 months apart. I went to school with her we were pregnant at the same time and cool and I am just in shock that she would do this. And from the letters that she left behind it was strategically planned and happened after a recent argument that they had. I’m worried about the baby that she left behind though. it’s a really long story. But I know how to reach out to those that have lost a mom just remembering the way that I felt when I lost mines so I’m going to get together a care basket for her. Her grandparents don’t like our side of the family and wasn’t even going to tell us about it but the sister didn’t care and called us to give us the news. The Funeral is this saturday).
  • Get a colon Cleanse to stop all of the mess with my skin and hair( my hair is breaking off and shedding whenever I touch it. And my skin looks horrible! You would think exercise taking vitamins and drinking water would help but I think it’s the stress taking affect on my body.  Mentally I’m not allowing the  stress to take a toll on me. I have been dealing with things MUCH better but I think physically it’s taking a toll on my body and it’s coming out in my skin and hair. I talked to my cuz who is also my beautician and she said that my hair always starts breaking and shedding when seasons change it always has and to just make sure to keep it moisturized. Quincy also suggested a detox or cleanse to help as well so I’ll be doing that at soon as I have some money).
  • Pay off the rent (yeah so because of the car issues we are a month and a half behind on rent….Thank God the landlord is my aunt and she understands our situation)
  • Quincy has to get a new car because apparently all of this out of pocket expense that we don’t have that we’ve been having to spend to keep the car running never mattered (close to 2000.00 in repairs in the past 3-4 months Yah). There are wiring issues it has finally been recognized over the months of buying fuel pumps,  starters, another fuel pump,  multiple towing so on and forth.
  • Amidst everything else. Work is good. I have good days,  busy days,  hectic days but all is well on that end no complaints there.
  • Oh and I will be preaching on April 3rd and at a Praise and Worship Concert in May and I’m really excited about that so now I’m just preparing for it.
  • Lexy just had a violin concert it was really nice. Her grandma (baby daddy’s mom) got upset with me because we got in an argument about her son not taking care of his responsibilities yet him feeling like I should bend over backwards to get lexy out his house. That’s a huge Negative seeing as though he doesn’t contribute financially to anything in her life and he doesn’t support her in any of  her extra curricular activities either but he’ll go to see one of his ‘boys’ kids activities. Her Grandma then stated "I understand your frustration with him but why do I have to suffer because of my son?" "I am not him and I would like to come out and support my grandbaby when she has things going on." So the argument was that i never told her anything,  when in fact I felt like me telling him was enough for her to know. Don’t you talk to your son? He can give you the message. Then she tells me that he doesn’t come around her much or talk to her much anymore. So I get her cell number apologize for not including her and then tell her I will tell her when things are going on. She is handicapped and cannot drive so if she needs to go places someone has to bring her out. LIKE HER SON. She lives too far from me to pick her up and I feel that that’s not my responsibility anyway. So anyway I told her about the concert. The day of she calls me while I was in the concert sounding as if she was going to cry. Asking me to tell Lexy that she tried to get a ride but couldn’t find one and if I could take some pictures and send them to her of the concert she’d appreciate it and to tell lexy that she loves her so much. I was sad and felt bad for her but then I got ticked off at baby daddy. What was he doing that he couldn’t bring his mom to see his daughters concert? UGH! Anyway I’m through with it. I told Lexy that her granny tried to make it but couldn’t find a way and she was cool with it. They always do this. It’s nothing new to her. They did the same thing when she graduated from 5th grade when her hopes were dashed then I think she pretty much doesn’t even expect him to show up for anything.
  • Okay I think that’s it for now.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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March 19, 2009

Sorry about the suicide. Praying for the family. Incidentally, I was reading about suicide rate in this country and, sadly, it says the cause is due to marital problems. It is all so sad. God be with you when you do all that preaching!

March 19, 2009

“it says the cause is due to marital problems.” I mean the causes of spouses committing suicide is due to marital problem.

March 19, 2009

Man, my family does the “no talking to each other thing”…but anytime someone goes in the hospital their at least civil enough to keep everyone informed…even if they don’t like them. ~sigh~ Man, the rejection off of that (even if I’d expect it) is still hard 😐

That is sad that Granny couldn’t find a ride. I hear your frustration. he should be helping and also be there once in a while if he wants her in his life. I will pray your family finds a good running car *smiles*. I’m glad the sister gave you a heads up about your Uncles ex dying. That was thoughtful of her.

March 20, 2009

UGH I feel so sad when I hear about little girls losing their mother. Beings back some memories. :o( OMG I’m with you on the detox. I need to do so BADLY, and I’m seriously considering cutting out the pork! Good luck, let me know how it goes! And BOOOOOOOOOOOOO to Lexy’s dad. Not only should he have taken his mother to the concert, he should have gone himself!