Yayy I found them!!!! *edit*

 I’ve found the perfect drapes for my house!!!!!!!

i have been looking all over for blue drapes to go in my living room (that’s the color theme that I have for my upstairs and I found it!!!! Yippee!!!!

Big Q has gotten on my case because the last few places that we have lived I’ve always treated it as an "temporary" situation and wouldn’t really make it a home i.e. Keeping things in boxes and refusing to throw the boxes away but instead refolding and putting them up for the next place. And I’ve always kept the mindset that this is just a stop on the way to homeownership so why invest so much into it until we move into a house yanno?

Well we talked about it and right now I’m renting my grandma’s house from my aunt and we’ve only had our apartment furniture which basically takes up the basement as far as furniture goes. And I’ve turned it into a family room in the basement. So we’ve yet to purchase living room furniture or kitchen furniture (we have a dining room and an eat in kitchen) In the eat in kitchen I have simply a card table with folding padded chairs and a tablecloth. All of the windows have blinds in them whether venetian or vinyl  they all do. the only place I have a curtain is in the family room and it’s actually used in the basement to seperate the family room from the laudry room. This house has roughly 5 bedrooms 3 of which are bedrooms and in the basement one I’ve turned into an office and the other in the basement by the laundry room is completely void of furniture.

We don’t know if auntie will ever sell us the house (probably not it’s a cash cow for her these days) but we figure,  we love the neighborhood so much and there are plenty houses for sale that if we do purchase a house it will be in close proximity and all of the houses around here are built exactly the same so we’d be working with the same definition and rooms and all of that.

So we’re going to attempt to buy furniture for the house to make it more of a home but I want to get the accessories out of the way first. I’ve been slowly purchasing wall paintings and nik naks for decor which are really nice,  but I wanted window treatments. So to put it simply,  I’m sick of the blinds. It makes me think of every apartment that I’ve ever had and the way the house is built and the type of hanging blinds that I have from an angle you can see straight into the house anyways so I want to do away with them and play around with elegant drapery. I have been trodding all over town looking for some elegant silky looking yet fairly heavy blue drapery and couldn’t find what I wanted UNTIL today!!!! I feel like a kid in a candy store! My living room window is picturesque,  it’s like 88”wide and 58" long. Just finding a darn curtain rod set was like pulling teeth until today……

I happened upon Beth Bath and Beyond thank you Jesus and I’ve found the perfect rod’s for only (get this) 39.99!!! I’m gonna get 4 rod sets and the drapery that I like is only 29.99 band the Valance is 19.99! Can you believe it?!?! I know I’ll have to get maybe about 4 packs but so what it’s a start! I’m so happy as soon as I can find pics of the drapery I’ll post them. *Doing the Woot dance*
***Edit **
I found the drapes online and wanted to show them. For some reason they don’t look as good online as they do in person. The blue is a little bit darker than the online pics.  but here are my pics:

 I’m Dead set on this one it is so cute in the store! $29.99

And here is the duchess set: $39.99

 Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:

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I’m glad you found what you want. It can take years sometimes : ). I’m doing that to. Not buying, or investing much of anything as planning to move to Mexico.

those are cute hehe, i LOVE bed bath and beyond, that’s where i got most of my things for my apt lol

March 11, 2009

The drapes look very nice. Am so happy for you got what you want. Oh, decorating a house is no joke… I mean as far as spending $$$ is concerned. I prefer my house to look simple and not too crowded with decorations, anyway.

March 11, 2009

Last year we bought these blinds that are called “single cells”. A lot prettier than the plastic white blinds….yah I know exactly what you are talking about. Actually, I’ve been staring at your living room and have decided I need to find some curtains that aren’t hand me downs and are not white! 😉 Imagine what moretimes on your hands does to your perception 😉

I like the first drapes. Good luck finding furniture. It definately is time to make your house a permanent spot.

March 11, 2009

nice 🙂