Let’s move on




Wow I’m digging the new features to OD….. I think

I wrote a new entry simply to get past that last entry. I am well beyond those feelings at the moment so there’s no need to even comment on it.

This past weekend was cool we had Praise and Worship practice and it almost felt like old times. Wow.

Almost got a chance to chill out but then the running around started yet again. I’m good though

Nothing new or exciting on the agenda for the moment. Just passing the time and waiting to go to ministerial classes tonight……..
Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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hmm a new loook me likes lol. and RYN: no he didn’t show today, it was one of the regulars that usually comes. Grrr lol, oh well maybe tomorrow. I open tomorrow and wednesday. So we shall see lol, doesnt hurt to look, even if i don’t really want anything right now. Especially not when im movin anyway lol

i will have to get used to the new features, check them out see what i like and don’t like lol. I do like the color choice on the main page, i was so not feeling that green, i hated it lol.

I haven’t looked much at the new OD anything you see special about it? How is your diet and exercise going? I worked out everything last night and have a big pull in my neck and shoulder today. Ouch.

Glad you are moving on. Smooches…

the little plastic drawer organizer came from Walmart. I think it was like 6 dollars or something (too much for plastic) but it keeps toothpaste and clippers and trial size stuff, floss all the little crap from laying around. I just needed to be able to wipe the sink and counter off in a hurry instead of moving 500 objects. All the hair spray, deoderants, lotions and stuff are in the 2 door

shelving unit. It’s much better. TYG!

I’m not sure about teh new features yet.

February 27, 2009

God bless you. Have a wonderful weekend.

March 3, 2009