Today is the day! *edit*

Edit: My paycheck came and I cashed it SCHWING!!! Actually management forgot to turn in our payroll stuff and so we were going to end up not getting a check because the managers mistakes but thankfully the owner of the company is just the MOSTEST,  he wrote me and the new girl personal checks amounting to what the payroll check would’ve been had it been cut minus taxes and all that good stuff. He we were shorted then later when our paper work gets turned in they will pay us the difference. They were so nice and apologetic about it. As soon as he cut my check I was worried cause with most banks when depositing a personal check they make you wait a couple of days for the check to go through before you can withdraw any money. But I really need the money today to purchase my dress, So the head Finance guy gave me his personal cellphone number and told me as soon as they gave me the check to go to the bank and if I have any problems cashing it to call him and he’ll verify with the bank the situation to push it through. Or I could just go to the bank that the check is written to cash it with no problems then deposit it into my bank. So I just got back from doing that. YIPPEE! I can’t wait to wear my garment! I’ll be going to lunch shortly and hopefully because it’s a Holiday and things have been mighty slow I will probably go home early.



Today is the day that I give birth to my ministry and it’s actually on the map. I preach my first sermon tonight. I had an african dress made that is powder blue with royal blue lace trim stitched in with blue stones in it. It is goregeous. I feel like I’m about to get married I’m so giddy. I could hardly sleep last night.

I feel like I’m in labor sitting on the table wanting to push the baby out and the doctor keeps saying…no,  not yet. I have to wait until tonight. The message I’ll preach tonight is not a pretty one but it’s what God gave me. It actually blew my mind but I’m just ready to do this.

I will post notes pictures and all probably tomorrow when I’ve said and done it all. I’m still in consecration and I’m at the floaty stage right now. Have any of you water or juice fasted a short while and then started feely floaty-like? Like your just floating through life no cares no worries. That’s how I feel.

We were supposed to get paid yesterday but the checks didn’t come and i have to get my newly made african dress out by actually paying for it. I asked my manager when we were getting paid and he checked and said today so prayerfully my money is there. That is my only concern today. But i’ve prayed about it and I’m hopeful. All I ask from you all is that  you keep me lifted tonight as I deliver this message the enemy is not going to like having his kingdom exposed but whatever God has to get the glory.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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that is so awesome, im sure you will do well. lookin forward to seein pics

December 31, 2008

Praise God, Nikki!!! AWESOME!! Man, Diva…I want pics of that Queenly dress! I will be praying over your Word tonight!

December 31, 2008

You seem to work for a good company. That was special. May God bless your comings in and goings out as you walk in His light in 2009. Praying for the Spirit of His Word to go forth and accomplish it’s intended purpose. Is this for the Watch night service?

December 31, 2008

i find myself getting giddy with you! blessings to you as you minster the Word 🙂

Glad things worked out today and to God be the glory! May he pour out of you.

January 1, 2009

happy new year sis!

Can’t wait to see pics. I hope your sermon was great!

January 7, 2009

Praise the Lord for using you, Sis. I hope it went well. Happy New Year!!

January 7, 2009

So you haven’t said anything since….the Preaching Mrs. Prophet 😉 ((HUGS))