When you know it’s gonna Happen just trust Him




This is the funniest thing that has happened ALL day LOL.

Yesterday I got a call about a position that is about the same distance from my home as the job I currently work in a diff direction. About 30-40 miles away. BUt it’s permanent and it pays alot more. so I called the recruiter and spoke to her. She was very robotic. I don’t think I’ve ever talked to a recruiter that was that cold. they have a step-by step process for screening and hiring so I assume that this company is major. I go ahead and submit and get this the position would actually do what I went to school to get my degree and DO! Be a network Engineer. I’m a little rusty on Net Ops terminology but that’s no biggie I’m cramming for that. 

Then I get a call from Big Q today he was laughing because he says " I got to the computer and you must’ve just gotten off of it because there were TONS of IT Jobs with thankyou for applying stuff on it. You ain’t playing about hunting jobs are you?" I say " No because I know that this position that I work is NEVER going permanent. They’ve made that abundantly clear as a matter of fact they are getting rid of the associate IT and moving them elsewhere and leaving the rest to the contractors. Yeah this is the auto industry at that. Hmmmm yeah we’ll see how far that goes." 

Then I get a call about an hour later from one of my contract managers. to make a long story short. Toyota execs have made the decision to cut back and all contract workers contracts will be ending sooner than expected. Dec. 31st to be exact! So the best advice is for us to start looking. My current boss is going to submit a request for an exception because our jobs are considered critical support but there is no guarantee that it’ll be approved. 

HA HA HA! I knew it I knew it I knew it. So this is indeed the 3rd job that will be letting me go due to lean cuts and cutbacks due to market conditions. Tell me this ain’t a recession and I will laugh in your face.  It’s no biggie to me I’m not worried at all about it either. I will just be storing up these next few checks as I look and praying that I get another job. Heck I have an interview a week away so I’m good. Gotta get more though. And the girl that got fired last month we’ve been keeping contact with each other and she just got put on a contract for the EPA which could go perm. and she’s already offered to name drop to her employers about me. I think it’s about time to make that move lol.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths Prov. 5-6,  is the scripture that keeps coming to me. And besides God has shown me some things about ROG that STILL have to come to pass so I’m not worried one bit LOL.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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November 25, 2008

Stop it, I want to whine about my current situation!!! 😉

I’m glad you have some options to apply for. Will be praying permanent opens up for you : ).

November 28, 2008

You already know that God is at work on this for you. Love the playlist. It is so appropriate Victory is playing right now because that is what you will have.

November 29, 2008

YAY!! I pray that everything works out in your favor! Keep us posted! :o)