Musical ear

Well one of my coworkers contract was ended and she was let go because they didn’t feel she was catching on too well. I really felt bad for her because she was trying but oh well. Well good news is that I get to move into her time slot of working. 7AM-4PM, I currently work 4:30A-1:30pm  and it’s killing me getting up @ 2:30-3:00 AM and then when i get off of work I sleep from 3:30-6:00pm (NAPTIME) heck I might as well work 8-5 if I’m tired all the time like that so I welcome the hours.

We have a concert coming up November 15th which I am excited. Ofcourse Diva that I told yall about when to haiti and has come back a completely different person. WE knew this would happen. She’s talking off the wall and everything. Everybody’d really just praying for her cause her priorities are retarded right now. THe more that I get to know her and how her mind works the more I wish I didn’t know. I’ll leave it at that.

Termi I had to steal this one from you I’m sorry but it captivated me! I am gaining a musicians ear and when I hear awesome music I just can’t resist. I can’t remember what movie this is but I do remember that the back man sitting down with the perfect teeth smiling is the devil and guitar player in the rock clothes red shirt and black leather pants was playing for him. And the karate kid was playing against him. I didn’t know ol’ Daniel son had it in him. MAN he can really play.  I want to play the guitar because of things like this. I would never get this funky with it and play a face melting solo or anything but being able to play would really be fun. Check it out.

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I’m so glad you get a better time slot! It really does make a difference doesn’t it? I hear you on the buying books thing. I usually want one and don’t want to spend or don’t have the money to purchase and then the other day it struck me to get to the library. duh!

November 7, 2008

So did you get any interesting responses from your email :)?

yay for earlier time slot, wish i could get earlier times.

November 7, 2008

Yes, congrats on the new time. The movie is Crossroads. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes. I’m glad you weren’t offended, don;t know if I handled it well but something had to be said. When it comes to my readers I won’t play.