I feel the presence of an angel with me


That’s right guys,  you read it right. I’ve felt and seen this huge flash of light all morning.

At first it’s really scary but I just thanked God for him/her/it and went on my way. Man it is so nice to be able to dream and have revelations again, and even my thirst for the Word has been renewed.  I can’t even put my bible down. Almost feels like when I first got saved. And I’ve been witnessing to ppl and just showing the love of GOd everywhere I go and it’s been impacting ppl. God is so awesome!

We had prayer last night at my house and the guy that has starting his ministry as the pastor and his wife were coming up the hill from their cars into my house and when they walked in they said, " Yall know it’s a Big ole angel walking around in your yard?" I said , " what?!? where?,  they said when they pulled up they saw a really bright flashh of light and as they focused in it looked like a huge man walking across the yard. He was so big all they could see was from his feet up to his shoulders. Then he just vanished. Her 16 yr old daugjhter saw it too and was terrified. She was clutching her mom’s arm lol. I said, " Well thank you Lord for sending a member of your host to patrol my house lol,

We had prayer and the spirit of the Lord moved through the house sooo mightily! at one point,  I reached my hands up to the sky and began to sing (I currently have NO talking voice, been sick haven’t been able to) and my whole body from my fingertips to my feet began to tingle and my voice got stronger and stronger, I knew it was God using me and after prayer we talked about it and Pastor’s wife said when I started singing it felt like her shirt was on fire, she could just feel something. Other ppl echoed the same sentiments.

Got up this morn to get ready for work mind you I get up and leave out at about 3:45-3:50AM, I could feel this presence and it was really scary. I started praying. And I was scared to go to my car alone in the dark but I did. and as I got in the car there were these white flashes of light coming and going all over my yard. So i thanked God for the angels and pulled off but as I was driving I kept seeing this one flash and even now I can still feel the presence. Scary but awesome that God would even consider assigning one of the Angelic host to me for the day lol.

Oh yeah and guess what Guys,  I joined WW!! Yay me right? I’m still struggling with journaling and I’ve hit a NEW all time high, but I think I’ll be okay.

Check out the player below yay me I finally took the time to create one. A couple of artists I like and listen to now they didn’t have but I like who I have on there and I’l; be adding more soon.

Love ya guys!


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well if it really is an angel (I believe in God and angels too), the last thing you should be is scared. I can understand that actually seeing something otherworldly could be scary and surreal, but remember they are there to protect you and guide you, if not physically then at least mentally and spiritually. And if they’re not allowed to protect you (we all have to go through our struggles…

…that I guess God thinks he/she/it has to teach us with), they are certainly at least not there to hurt you. Coolness, I wish I could see angels, they come to me in my dreams sometimes, but the important thing is to know they are there I guess.

G was told he has a BIG Angel and I believe it. God and the Holy Spirit certainly work in unfathomable ways. That’s really neat that you should experience this. We have an Awesome and Mighty God.

September 24, 2008

WOW! Youre blessed, girl!!

September 24, 2008

Wow, that is great about the angel, holy angel. You are protected!

I am so thankful that you left that church…it has been dark for awhile.

I think it’s wonderful that you can see your angel. Good luck with WW!

September 25, 2008

An angel? This is something I have never experienced personally. I really don’t know what to say but thanks for sharing. RYN: For the upcoming 30 degree – weather.

Nikki, believe me when I tell you it’s an icky, unreal, sad story to tell what happened. I can write and tell you if you want by email. G and I are good. The strangest thing is how much peace I had through it all.

September 26, 2008

Reminds me of the song, “The presence of the Lord is here”

September 29, 2008

Uhhh, I’m coming to your house. I need some of that annointing to rub off on me.