Track and birthday fun *e*

Well we got to canton and checked into a cheap motel because we couldn’t really afford to go elsewhere but I couldn’t take the smell. There were ppl walking around the parking lot without shoes on,  our next door neighbor had 2 huge dogs,  a lady tried to bum money off of us for a cigarette,  the room smelt like an ashtray thought it was supposed to be nonsmoking,  and to top it all off we spot a truck rolling up into the motel complex parking next to ours with a confederate flag on the front of it. THis was all in the first 10 minutes of us getting there lol. Yeah so I got my refund and we went to a nicer hotel with a suite down the street.

The next day the track meet commences and we go to the track. This high school is HUGE it looks like a peniteniary, are an army base but it is HUGE. Canton is not a really big city so I’m guessing everyone in the city goes to this highschool. The sun was shining brightly although there was a nice breeze. We get to the track to find out that it’s not wheelchair accessible for lexy to sit in the stands (there were rocks everywhere). So we had to sit at the back of the track burning up from the heat coming up off of the black turf on the track. Lexy (poor baby )was burning up cause she had to sit and watch the races while we were able to stand. Little Quincy’s race comes around and he throws his race. I mean he literally jogs around the track instead of full out running. So When I see him I’m thinking he’s hurt or something cause that’s not like him he has to be hurt or something. But at the finish line he’s not grabbing anything like an ankle or is legs or anything and I’m a lil nervous  so I have to go all the way around to the front of the track meet to see if he’s okay and when I get to him he’s walking and drinking water as if it’s nothing. So I ask him is he alright and he goes "yeah" I say " well what happened?" and he goes,  " I was tired." Tired?!?!? Tired from WHAT? you slept good you ate good what do you mean you were tired. Then he switches it up and lies saying. "Well my knee hurts" I said look here, you better tell me the truth right now! He then confesses he was just tired. So I WENT OFF. As much as we had to sacrifice in order to come up to this track meet you get in the race that YOU qualified for and you jog it talking about you are tired? You must be out of your mind. AND this is your fathers FIRST time seeing you in a track meet and you throw a race like that?!?!?  He had one more race and I made it plain, I told hime," This next race,  You better run as if your life depended on it because if not you WILL get a whoopin when we get back to the hotel room!" Shoot I’m not on no laziness and if he didn’t want to run he could’ve told us BEFORE we forked over our money and sacrificed to come all the way to canton, oh. Then his dad pulled him to the side to talk to him because I was beyond ticked off at him for pulling that. He asked him why he lied and he couldn’t answer him. He asked him if something was wrong and he said no,  so we couldn’t figure it out. Then he told his dad that he thought he was mad at him because he lost the race. NO that is not why I or his dad was mad, we were mad because he didn;’t even TRY to run the race. There was no effort put forth in even trying to run. And his daddy was disappointed because everyone was bragging on how well lil quincy runs then the one track meet that he can get to lil quincy pulls this? So the next race he got out there and ran his butt off. I was happy he atleast put forth an effort but the track meet was just really not good for our team. My friend’s son did really well I was so proud of him he made it to nationals. ANd this is the first sport that he’s ever played. He can really RUN too.

Oh yeah I forget to mention the whole time we were in canton I got a call from a special OD fave. MSMARLYCIA! Love you girl. She actually took time out of her busy schedule to pack up Mikyah(sp),  Arlycia, and Malycia to come down and have a nice birthday dinner with us. I just thought that was so generous of her and she brought me a much needed much appreciated gift. I know I said before I’d post pictures but seriously sometime soon I WILL post pics. Mikyah is a HAM OMGOSH she is too cute and she captured EVERYONE"s Attention. I was taking pictures and honey she HAD to have her closeup lol. I got a kick out of HER lol. And we got malycia and arlycia to talk a lil more this time around I know how it is coming around folks you don’t know and just getting to know them and all. Ms Marlycia was looking too cute in her outfit and hairstyle but unfortunately my camera wouldn’t work for anything when I tried taking her picture. She was relieved anyway she didn’t want me snapping her.  But she looked great. THen it poured down raining. I went to borders book and bought me a book and went back to the room read and slept.  And a double treat after I got done hangin with Ms MArlycia I got a happy birthday text from jadalove how cool was that?

The next day we went to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. OMGosh Big Quincy was like a kid in a candy store it was like he just didn’t know what to do with himself. It was hilarious!!!! Lil Quincy I think was excited if no other reason just because his daddy was so excited lol. I’ll post pics from that too but yall have to see him posing with statues and his favorite teams helmet HAHA! They had a reel to reel of the highlights of the season in this dark lit area and lexy and I came around the corner in her wheelchair and they were glued to the screen smiling like cheshire cats. unfortunately I forgot to snap that pic but it was a memorable moment. I have never seen that man so happy in all my life. He just kept saying " Man  I’ve been dreaming about coming here since I was a little boy!" And Lord I told Little Quincy about Reggie White LOL! I said, " look lil Quincy that’s reggie white, he played football AND he was a preacher." His eyes got big as saucers he said, " REALLY?!?! YOU CAN DO THAT?!?! That’s what I wanna be when I grow up a preacher AND a football player!" LOL. He always has said that though. SInce he was 5 he’s said " mama I’m going to NFL and then Imma be a prophet. I encourage him all the time,  I say well whatever the Lord says and you have to have perseverance for both so you better stay focused.

The trip started out bad but ended up really good and when we got back to Cincinnati we had dinner at my favorite restaurant Champps.  Well that was the recap of my weekend and then ofcourse on Monday I got some wonderful news from my girl J ;). And like I said I’m still fasting and praying for you about that situation!


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Okay and for the sake of saving 2 and 3 entries I Just wanted to note that at the track meet I got sunburned worse than ever before. I usually get a burn but not to THIS extent. My skin was so red and tender that even when the sun would shine through the window and touch my skin it hurt. I mean I was so irritated and it felt like my skin would tear apart if I moved the wrong way lol. Whomever made up the lie that black ppl don’t tan or get sunburned needs to be choked LOL! Also Last night I worked out for the first time in about a month in a half! Yay me right? Well I have gained so much weight it’s really painful to workout and I say that in honesty cause I actually have a very High threshold for pain but this was some ungodly pain. I had a really hard time with lunges and I actually got a charlie horse in my stomach doing crunches!!!! No lie I have never had that happen to me before. It is the WORST pain EVER! I mean just imagine the pain of a charlie horse in your calve muscle and imagine it from your pelvic muscles all the way up to your upper abdominals. I have never felt that kind of pain before in my life and moving just made it worse. So I just laid there and tried my best to stretch my body out. That didn’t work lol. So I laid there until the pain went away. Needless to say I think I may have to hold off on crunches for a while. I have really gained ALOT of weight though. I’m, not talking no 10-20 lb weight gain,  it’s more than that so I’ve got work to do. I’m thinking about setting up an appointment too because that pain really caught me offguard and I wonder what caused it. I’ve been having alot of chest pains (gas I’m guessing), and migrane headaches too. I think I need to have my blood levels checked.  



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28



There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The "new age" preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.


This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)



~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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July 15, 2008

Poor Quincy.. I wonder what that was all about? Maybe he was just nervous because dad was there…? Give my love to Lexy and her leg. I bet it sucks big time for someone her age.

July 15, 2008

Sounds like an interesting trip!! I couldnt take that hotel either, lol! Eew!

July 15, 2008

Sounds like fun, except the hotel & sunburn part. Happy belated birthday. I have family in Canton, but haven’t been there since I was younger.

July 15, 2008

Wonder if little Q was kind of “imtimidated” for some reason not to run the first go around? That’s all I can think of. Does he do well with large audiences like that? Sorry to hear about the sunburn. Starting to get jealous of your Favs that live near you! 😉 My brother lives in Ohio…*sigh* Oh well. ((BIG HUGS)) Glad the weekend got better, and I’d be dang sure I get a different hotel to!

YAY! It sounds like a fab trip. Also, anytime spent with the 4 Divas is a time well spent. Don’t worry about the workout…your mojo will come back. Smooches…

Aaaaw! I want to meet Ms Marlycia and her girls! Happy Birthday!

Sorry you had such a hard time in the work out but I admire your tenacity. I would have quit right off the bat. I would have been mad at my son not trying harder too, glad he got an attitude adjusment. It’s so nice they got the the football hall of fame : )